Edited on Sun Jan-02-05 05:58 PM by wlubin
1)Fix the voting system so it is accurate and transparent.
2)Make it illegal for corporations to engage in propaganda campaigns or engage in politics of any kind.
3)Have every man woman and child who is employed, and is not the owner of the employing establishment, belong to a union that will protect them from the wills of the employer.
This country is a country by the people, and for the people. Corporations are not citizens of this country, they are visitors. If you look into the history of corporate propaganda in this country you will realize that they are the entire problem. They are the enemy. There is a war in this country which has been going on since the mid 30's whereby corporations want to rip the democracy out of this country and destroy unions. Unions are good for ppl, bad for corporations. Democracy is good for ppl, bad for corporations.
It all began back in 1935 with the Wagner Act that basically said that during a strike, corpers could not go out into the picket lines and kill ppl to intimidate them into not striking. So therefore what the corpers did was decide to brainwash ppl into being against themselves. In other words, get them to shoot themselves in the foot through how they vote, and how they think. One of the first organizations to begin brainwashing the American public was the National Association of Manufacturers (nam.org). They were so successful at there brainwashing campaign, aka labor relations, aka public relations, that Hitler used it to brainwash Germans into letting him do what he did. Well, the history of labor in the USA, and the history of unions in the USA really is the impetus of what and the origins of what we are experiencing today. One should google these sorts of key words to learn more about it. The book that alerted me to it is "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy" by Alex Carey, and I really recommend everyone to read it.
Suffice it to say that I feel that the above three things is what is needed to be done in order to take back America from the non-American corpers who are trying to find a homeland in which to abuse ppl, and they think they have found one in America.