(and I'm posting this as a life-long practicing Christian).
The unforgiveable sin is the lazy ignorance that made them vote this total anthesis of Christianity into office. Being a "good Christian" REQUIRES that you are knowlegeable about your nation and the world so that you stand up and fight for that which is right and oppose even unto your own detrement that which is wrong, unholy and evil. This nation's so-called Christians (ignorant bastards that they are) enthroned a Republican party whose creed is greed and whose mantra is the hatred of a few billion people both here and world-wide which they have now brought back onto the national scene (and we thought well on the way to irradication) and made that hatred acceptable. They totally turn their back on the real message and mission of Jesus which had all to do with forsaking wealth and helping the weak and the poor and declaring that "liberal" drool. Christ was liberal drool to the ultimate.
And there is a special place in hell for mainstream Christianity in this nation which never opposed this right-wing hate machine, remained silent, went along with it and NEVER preached against it's filth hidden under a cross.
Our "Christians" are no better than the "Christians" of 1930's-40's Germany. Four years ago I walked out of "church" and will never go there again. Real Christians need to walk out of churches everywhere, congregate in homes and band together to truly fight for the real message of Christianity.