I just started reading John Pilger's book "The New Rulers of the World". The first chapter is on Indonesia and how it has been ruthlessly exploited by the forces of international capitalization aka globalization.
The IMF has given tremendous loans to the region, many of which were used to construct infrastructure to be used by private transnational corporations which then promptly exploited the local people in sweat shops.
The countries are enslaved to the debt, and the people and natural resources are wide open to international profiteers.
Now I hope that this is merely a symptom of the extreme cynicism I have developed lately, but I had a horrifying thought that the natural tragedy of the tsunami could potentially be exploited.
I could see a scenario where countries that supply "humanitarian aid" end up building infrastructure, with (unreported in the so-called press) strings attached that allow for future exploitation of natural resources and cheap labor.
Assistance schemes could allow for privatization of previously public resources. Imagine Bechtel or Halliburton saying, "Yes, we can rebuild the drinking water production and distribution system. Of course, we will own it then. The water system will be privatized. You didn't expect us to build it for free?" And you can extrapolate this scenario to just about everything that needs rebuilding in the affected areas.
In this scenario, corporations/governments would consider the tsunami aid to be an investment, and they would expect to be able to see a return on that investment. There is nothing more immoral than taking advantage of people who are in desperate need. Consciously or not, if the areas affected by the tsunami become more privatized as a result of aid efforts, then this is what has happened.
I hope I am just being overly cynical. I guess we'll know in 5 to 10 years.