Who are we exactly? Another question that's floating around. What do democrats stand for.
Well, here it is. Let me see if I can clarify by paraphrasing our platform (correct me if I'm wrong...):
1. DIPLOMACY: FOR. We believe that most world conflicts can be resolved through strong, effective alliances, and that instant military action is not required in the modern world for our safety.
2. WAR ON TERROR: MOSTLY FOR. We believe that protecting the country from terrorism is important. We believe it is multi-faceted, and a comprehensive strategy is necessary to victory. A - Improve intelligence resources in government. B - Use economic advantages by freezing terrorist assets. C - Prevent instable nation-state scenarios that cultivate terrorist activity. D - Expand and capitalize on diplomatic allies. E - Help educate and improve the quality of life in regions of the world currently known as recruitment areas for terrorist organizations. F - Locate and lock away known weapons of mass destruction, stop creation of nuclear weapons material, shut down nuclear programs abroad.
3. SPREADING DEMOCRACY WORLDWIDE: MOSTLY FOR. We agree that world popularity of free society and democracy will help advance American interests. We do not agree with the GOP that we must do this through military means, or in ways that jeopardize our security. A - Clean up Iraq with international support. B - Focus on Africa's future. C - Cultivate and use economic advantages in Asia to spread democracy. D - Build and maintain alliances with other industrialized nations to help advance these goals.
5. INCREASED MILITARY SPENDING: AGAINST. We believe that the military needs the best equipment and labor benefit plans possible. We want to see more efficient use of taxpayer's dollars in military campaigns, and more significant restraint in defense decisions to a. keep our costs down, b. keep our sons and daughters out of harm's way.
6. ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: FOR. Democrats believe in having a close, strong relationship with Israel to help assure their protection from terrorists and regional threats. Democrats believe in the creation Palestinian state, and focusing on this crisis further in order to achieve peace.
7. TAX CUTS: MOSTLY AGAINST. We believe in fiscal responsibility in government; putting an end to deficit spending; and ending subsidies for outsourcing. We believe in using tax cuts to strengthen the middle class. We believe all tax cuts carry budget ramifications that must be considered carefully before making them.
8. WELFARE: FOR. We believe in targeted relief to struggling families and organizations to help with economic growth in troubling times.
9. PUBLIC VS PRIVATE JOB CREATION: PRIVATE. We believe flooding the market with lower paying government jobs is not good for America and want to build job creation at the middle class level with small businesses and benefits for local employers.
10. FREE TRADE: MOSTLY FOR. We believe in the concept of globalization, while also knowing that there must be adequate and responsible supervision and consideration made in free trade policy.
11. PUBLIC TRANSIT: FOR. We believe successful and efficient public transit systems are important for our economy and environment.
12. DEREGULATION: MOSTLY AGAINST. We believe that deregulation shows little good for the American consumer while failing to provide the economic benefits to justify it as a policy.
13. UNIONS: FOR. We believe the American worker is important and organized American workers are key to democratic control of our economy.
14. SOCIAL SECURITY: FOR. We believe that protecting our retirements and our current retirees is important for America, and that reform is needed to secure Social Security's future. We also believe in providing support for our veterans.
15. GOVERNMENT-SUBSIDIZED HEALTH INSURANCE: FOR. We believe that health coverage for everyone is important. Democrats want to see that all Americans are adequately covered by health insurance, and believe that higher standards for insurance companies and government subsidy of individual healthcare costs are essential to this task. We believe in preserving and expanding Medicare.
16. GLOBAL HEALTH We believe the support of healthcare quality worldwide is an important focus area for America. We believe that promoting worldwide health will curb poverty, terrorism, and hunger internationally.
17. STEM CELL RESEARCH: FOR. We believe that the future of medicine and improved healthcare lies in new technologies, and think we should invest in science to ensure the future of health in America.
18. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: FOR. We believe in expanding and improving our public schools, raising standards for teachers and students, and using our education to improve American life. We believe schools should teach students to become active and concerned citizens, and that college should be affordable for all. We believe in giving back to those who give to us with the tradition of the GI Bill and AmeriCorps.
19. VOUCHERS: MOSTLY AGAINST. We believe we can improve education so that student vouchers are not really necessary. We also think that we should offer high quality education to all students in our own public schools.
20. CONSERVATION: FOR. Democrats believe in preservation of the environment. We are for tax incentives to clean up industry, incentives to develop and implement cleaner energy, and harsh penalties for polluting firms. We do not believe in drilling the Arctic Wildlife Preserve, and do believe in scaling back our dependence on Middle East oil over the next ten years through new forms of energy.
21. ABORTION: FOR. We believe in a woman's right to choose.
22. GAY MARRIAGE: MOSTLY FOR. We are against any federal legislation to restrict gay and lesbian civil and family rights, and believe that marriage should be defined at the state level.
23. PUERTO RICO, GUAM, VIRGIN-ISLANDS, and AMERICAN SAMOA. Grant voting rights to, grant self-government to, grant self-government to, and grant self-government to, respectively.
24. CHURCH AND STATE SEPARATION. We want to fight the use of government funds for religious purposes wherever possible.
25. IMMIGRATION: FOR. We believe hard-working, tax-paying, and background checked aliens deserve a fair shake as American citizens.
26. GUN CONTROL: MOSTLY FOR. We believe increased protection of Americans is important to the safety of our nation, and would like to increase firearm safety where possible. We do also want to protect the second amendment right of Americans to own guns.
27. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: AGAINST. Democrats generally believe that the death penalty is outdated and needs to be carefully examined for humane and fiscal costs it incurs on the taxpayer.
Now, I think that's it. Correct me where you want, and it's hopefully still shorter than the actual platform. For a quick summary, just read the titles in CAPS.
Thanks everyone for your help!