I have been thinking about Kos and Wonkette lately, largely fuming and wondering what in the hell is wrong with these people. I understand they are very popular, but I though they got that way by not toeing the part line, but by being on the cutting edge, outside the mainstream media. Lately, though, they seem to have done something icky.
They’re selling out.
Take Kos, for instance. With posts about “What the Dems need to do” and the sloughing off of the obvious election problems in the US, Kos is becoming more and more a mouthpiece of the Mainstream Media’s concept of what the Democratic party should be talking about, and less the Democratic hero that made him what he is, with his 2 million hits a week. Rather than going after the stories that might mean something to the left side of the country, we are buffeted by Iraq statistics and re-hashes of stories from around the country that distract us from where we ought to be looking if we really want to change things.
Don’t look too close, you might see reflections of Kos in the mainstream, where anyone who thinks there is something fishy about this last election cycle is a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist with machinations on bringing down the government.
More Here:
http://watchingthewatchers.org/index.php?p=228 ~A!