John Hooper in Rome
Monday January 3, 2005
The Guardian
A long-running cultural and diplomatic wrangle looks likely to be resolved within months, with the return of a 1,700-year-old obelisk that was hauled out of Ethiopia by Italian colonial troops in the fascist era.
The government in Addis Ababa announced this week that the treasured stone column would be flown home from Rome in May, putting an end to years of procrastination and 18 months of logistical delays.
Italy first promised to give back the Axum obelisk in 1947. But it was not until November 2003 that Silvio Berlusconi's government signed a deal with the authorities in Addis Ababa, and the 200-tonne column was divided into sections for its return journey.
Until then the obelisk, which Ethiopians regard as a symbol of their national identity, had stood incongruously outside the headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome, being besmirched by traffic pollution. Benito Mussolini had ordered the column to be erected as a memorial to the defeat and subjugation of Ethiopia.,12576,1382311,00.html