Saudi Arabia produces 19 of the 21 hijackers that attacked us on 9/11. Saudi Arabia continues to be a safe haven for terrorists and the Bin Laden family continues to grant Osama Bin Laden financial aid while certain members of the Saudi Royal family continue to openly support radical islamic ideology in Saudi Arabia.
The Taliban visited Texas for talks with Unocal executives, Hamid Karzai and Khalilzaid, about construction of pipelines through Afghanistan in 1997 during Bush's tenure as Governor, even though Afghanistan and, more specifically, the Taliban regime had sanctions placed on them by the United States and the United Nations for aiding and harboring terrorists.
The Bush family did business with the Bin Laden family and Saudi Royalty prior to 9/11 and continues to do business with the Bin Laden family and Saudi Royalty, even though Saudi Arabia is producing more international terrorists than any other nation in the Middle East.
Is it just me or does this seem to be a severe CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!! Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems this would be a perfect example of aiding the enemy, which is a treasonous act. How do we make it clear to the freepers, that Bush is aiding the enemy and committing treason against the people of the United States?
Well, I came up with this idea.... DEMAND MILITARY ACTION AGAINST SAUDI ARABIA!!! Post it on free republic. Write your senators and representatives, write the CIA and write the Pentagon. 19 of the 21 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia continues to openly support terrorist activities around the world and continues to promote radical islamic ideology within their own state. Much of the insurgence in Iraq is derived from terrorists coming over from Saudi Arabia, while Al Qaeda continues to receive financial support from members of the Saudi Royal family and the Bin Laden family.
Start pounding "Saudi Arabia's the enemy" in their heads because "People in Saudi Arabia ARE OUR ENEMY!!!" They're the ones that bombed us on 9/11 and they're the ones that continue to support international terrorism organizations.
When Bush starts running his song and dance about how they're the good Bin Ladens and the Saudi Royal family's our ally, the freepers will begin to see what a traitorous and treasonous f#<k Bush really is. We should be waging war on Saudi Arabia... not Iraq, and currently this administration is aiding the enemy by redirecting our intelligence resources and military resources away from our enemy... Saudi Arabia.
Start pumping military action against Saudi Arabia. After all, if any country deserves retaliation for 9/11.... Saudi Arabia does and everybody knows it. Force Bush to make a decision... Is he going to protect his family's financiers in Saudi Arabia or the American people? Force him to implicate himself as a traitor to the people of the United States because... HE IS!!!!