National Security to Lead Renewable Energy Deployment
U.S. Energy Independence Goals Propel Renewable Energy to Next Phase
by Jesse Broehl, Editor,
Policy, Military and Intelligence Leaders Speak Up
Some of the most poignant dialogue stressing the national security angle at the conference came from a panel with considerable experience in that realm. These speakers included R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence, Frank Gaffney and Bud McFarlane, former national security advisors to President Reagan, C. Boyden Gray, former White House Counsel to President G.H.W. Bush, and Adm. Dennis McGinn, USN (Ret.), former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations.
All were keen to focus in on Middle East regimes that assure our petroleum needs but, at most, only tacitly assure our national interests.
"We find ourselves dependent on imports from people who, by and large, are hostile to us," Frank Gaffney said. "It makes (energy independence) a national security imperative."
Gaffney cited the growing scarcity of resources in a world with burgeoning economies and populations, such as China as having the potential to create a "perfect storm." Faced with a scenario of increasingly insatiable and expensive demands for energy, countries like the U.S. and China could find themselves at the brink of war.
more... to me like the PNAC reps Gaffney and Woolsey are gung-ho about alternative fuel now. Not cuz they give a shit about the environment, but for the express purpose of a leaner meaner MILITARY to go eyeball to eyeball with China!