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The GOP and the Cookie Jar...

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Dees Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:03 PM
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The GOP and the Cookie Jar...
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 05:34 PM by Dees
When I consider the Repug party these are the pariGods of virtue, honesty and integrity that quickly come to mind. Reagan, Agnew, *, **, Delay, Cheney, Lott, Livingston, Guiliani, Hyde, Nixon, North, Limbaugh, Bennett, Quayle, Packwood, Burton, Mitchell, Dornan, Kerik, Segretti, Jeb, Zell, Harris...well I could go on and on but the picture only gets worse and never suitable for framing.
What's my point? In simple terms it's the stealing from the river of money flowing out of our government and into the hands of slickster GOP cronies. I don't think it's just the BFEE either. I think there are a number of lines in the water. How do I know this for sure? I don't. But the history of the Grand Old Party tells me it's happening. It's all a gut feeling and circumstantial.
This is the political party that gave us Watergate, Iran Contra, WMD, pardongate, secret energy hearings, cozied up to Enron and Halliburton and stole elections. I believe the money is largely unaccounted for and thusly ending up in the bank accounts of GOP mobsters.
Do you think it's possible to get some kind of an accounting of money being spent? I would like to know exactly where the money is being spent who is getting their pockets lined. Call me sinister and doubtful but I think the cookie jar is half full.
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shraby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:32 PM
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1. I agree, and the cookie jar is overflowing.
They'll need another one if they get 4 more years.
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Lefty48197 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 07:52 PM
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2. Bush holds the door open while they raid our cookie jars
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