Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 06:42 PM by cally
In the spirit of compromise, let's figure out what the rules should be. When should abortion be allowed....BY LAW? Not whether you would have an abortion, whether you believe in abortion, but when should society prosecute women and doctors for abortion? (I'm assuming heterosexuals couples in my rant.)
1) A couple has unprotected sex. The woman is pregnant and has an abortion. She should be sent to jail. The man goes on with his life.
2) A couple uses the rhythm method and become pregnant. They both are faithful Catholics. They both lose their jobs and can barely afford to feed their family. They have an abortion. SEND HER TO JAIL!!! 3) A woman is raped. She takes the morning after pill. SEND HER TO JAIL.
4) A woman is in her third trimester of a much wanted child. She finds out she is likely to die if she carries her child to term. She has a third trimester abortion (the fundies call it a partial birth abortion but that is a lie) Kill that woman.
5) A woman is in her third trimester of a much wanted child. She finds out she is likely to die if she carries her child to term and her child will die. She has a third trimester abortion (the fundies call it a partial birth abortion but that is a lie) Kill that woman.
6) An 11 year old thinks she is fooling around with her older cousin. At 5 months, her parents figure out she is pregnant. The Doctor tells them she will face lifelong damage and possible death if she carries this child to term. She has an abortion. Hell, life imprisonment.
So, you're anti-abortion. So am I. I choose laws to encourage education, women's economic advancement, sexual education because I know they reduce rates of unwanted pregnancy. They also promote raising children well.
If you are pro-life and still want to ban abortion, then define when and where. Define the law you want.
Edit: Revised spelling and grammar. I should know by now to not post rants before checking.