Maryland is one of the most solidly Democrat states in the country. It's been that way for decades. The Repugs managed to sweep every state south of the Mason-Dixon in the last two elections and they still couldn't even come CLOSE to winning Maryland.
Kennedy, Humphrey, and Carter had NO problem winning Maryland during THEIR close elections, because Maryland is in the Dem column except when an absolute GOP landslide (Nixon, Reagan) nudges it in the other column.
Dems were running Maryland for 30 years straight. I did a quick check and here's who they elected during the Reagan era in 1988:
GOVERNOR William Donald Schaefer (DEM)
LT. GOV. Melvin A. Steinberg (DEM)
U.S. SENATE DELEGATION 2 DEMS, 0 REPUGS. Dems win in landslide.
U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION 6 DEMS, 2 REPUGS (and 1 of the REPUGS voted just like a DEM!)
The state was full of progressive leaders including Rep. Cardin, McMillen, Hoyer, Mfume (of the NAACP fame), Mikulski, Morella, and Senators Mathias and Sarbanes.
Now, compare this to the Presidential vote "totals" in Maryland
PRESIDENTIAL VOTE: Bush/Quayle REPUG 876,167 51.11% Dukakis/Bentsen DEM 826,304 48.20%
Hmmm. Poppy wins by exactly "50,000" votes. Funny how that works, eh? If you check the electoral map, you will also notice that Poppy LOST the neighboring state of West Virgina (which is full of "God fearin'" homophobes and is MUCH more right-wing than MD), yet somehow, he "won" a Progressive state that no other GOP candidate has been able to accomplish since then, even when Shrub got even HIGHER numbers in the south than Poppy Bush ever dreamed of.
Let's face it, the skull n' bones crowd was up to vote fraud tricks then, just as they are now. The Bush crime syndicate has never vote a legit election, even though they claim close in 1988. And California may have been much more a "Swing" state in '88, but without Reagan on the ticket, I'm find it fishy that they'd turn out in record numbers against Poppy only to "find" he won the narrowest of margins the next day. Even worse, look at Vermont's numbers in '88. Vermont had ceased being a Repug state by the mid 70s. Poppy "won" that state by only a few thousand votes.
Chimpy is NOT my president, and NEITHER was Poppy!