Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 08:42 PM by stepnw1f
especially when an elderly lady called up and gave her two cents about the Great Depression. Unfortunately, the guy didn't even catch on. He still niavly believed it would be a good and honest thing to do. Personally, I have no patience for his type. I can not believe people like him, especially when they have their facts all out of wack. A red flag always goes up when a persons doesn't think there is a risk. "Hey ass-munch... there is a reason the call it "Social SECURITY". The secure part is what's at stake!!!!
Anybody that tries to mess with SS has a few screws loose. Wealthy and poor alike understand the implications of privatization getting it's hand in this cookie jar. First they start by taking an inch, such as borrowing from it, then they want more and more till the people just give up. Not!!!!
The only problem this time, is we may see shit on the streets we only read about during in history books about the French Revolution. Not over-night and no it will not be organized. People have had enough. I am nervous personally, because people are not even talking about this openly. But when I have spoken to a few, I saw a vein bulge in their foreheads. People have been kicked around enough. These Republicans better wise up.