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"Baghdad Burning" blog has a new post

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elfin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:50 PM
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"Baghdad Burning" blog has a new post
One comment about New Year's at her home...

We had our own fireworks as we began the New Year countdown. At around 10 minutes to 2005, the house shook with three colossal explosions not too far away. It came as something of a surprise at that particular moment and my cousin's two young daughters, after the initial fright, started giggling uncontrollably. E. clapped his hands and began to yell, "Yeah- FIREWORKS!! Goodbye 2004!!", which was followed by a sort of impromptu dance by the kids.

Another comment about the elections...

Another problem is the selling of ballots. We're getting our ballots through the people who give out the food rations in the varying areas. The whole family is registered with this person(s) and the ages of the varying family members are known. Many, many, many people are not going to vote. Some of those people are selling their voting cards for up to $400. The word on the street is that these ballots are being bought by people coming in from Iran. They will purchase the ballots, make false IDs (which is ridiculously easy these days) and vote for SCIRI or Daawa candidates. Sunnis are receiving their ballots although they don't intend to vote, just so that they won't be sold.

More at

(Found this site through Juan Cole's site - everytime she posts, I fear it will be her last.)
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greatauntoftriplets Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:53 PM
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1. What a remarkable woman she is....
I wish I knew more about her...personally. She writes so wonderfully...and it is so damn touching.
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phusion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:56 PM
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2. One of the last...
links to truth out of Iraq.

I hope her and her family stays safe. What a mess they are all involved in.

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