It is an artist board so it is strange to find righties... anyhow they had a very lively (10 pages) debate on Women's rights. The conversation was being hogged by the local pro lifer (I will take him at his word, he is also against war, against the death penalty and for expanding social services... hence for once the words do apply).
Still I took him on with the Pro Fetus, reframing... he actually agreed that many are pro fetus, but tried very hard to make the argument that they were not the majority.... before you spit your coffee, I made the decision not to debate him... just state some facts. When he challenged me on who those mythical leaders are... well I did mention Dobson (focus on the family) and stated, if you want I can mention the who'se who in the Christian Coalition and the so called Moral Majority (only time I used a frame but that was the organization, no way around it) He decided not to continue having this discusion.
What was amazing is... he was squirming, really squirming, for he could not get me to write pro life, or any other Republican Frame...except the ones mentioning organizations, hell when refering to the GOP, I used the Credit Card Party frame...
Now here is what is inportant, most tried to argue from a moral standpoint... and to a point I did, when I stated that the life of the mother comes before the life of the child both in the bible and all western law... in fact he could not even put a small chink in any of the facts presented. Hell he did not even want, and I offered, for me to bring the statistics showng the link of education and nurturing societies and a drop in abrotion from both NIH and WHO... it was funny.
What was funny, now that I think about it, most people went at it for post after post after post... It took two for me to completely disarm him...
I even got a couple PMs from the locals, and of course did push heavily Lakoff's book.
Folks if we keep this up, I think we will retake control of the debate.