Of course this makes way too much sense and therefore will never happen as long as the crimminal neo-cons are in charge..
The reality in Iraq is that the United States has now been engaged in an unsuccessful war for 21 months to gain control of the country, and that U.S. military operations are killing two or three times as many Iraqi civilians as the Iraqi Resistance and foreign "terrorist" groups put together. <7> In any case, as the aggressors in this conflict, the United States and the United Kingdom are ultimately responsible for "the accumulated evil of the whole."
Legitimacy is not something that can be conjured out of illegality by finding the right political or military strategy. International law actually requires us to end our offensive military operations, and to submit the crisis we have created to the U.N. Security Council without prejudice, not to win approval of a new American plan for Iraq, but so that we can withdraw our forces, Iraq can regain true sovereignty and the U.N. can offer its assistance as needed or requested by the Iraqis. The legitimate ongoing role of the United States in this process would be the payment of reparations to enable the Iraqi people to recover from the war and to rebuild their country.
The principal lesson for future U.S. foreign policy is that the many diplomats and lawyers who worked so hard to create the current framework of international law deserve our profoundest deference and respect. Our predecessors bequeathed us an international legal code that embodies great wisdom forged from bitter experience in times at least as difficult and dangerous as our own. We can begin to unwind this spiral of uncontrollable violence by renewing our own commitment to international law, by supporting efforts to strengthen judicial enforcement of its provisions in both national and international courts, and by insisting that military and international lawyers be consulted in the formulation of U.S. defense policy.