Hey ameriKans...being unhappy in America is a waste of energy...get pissed off...let's spawn a new country. We need a fresh start...basically its all about starting over. Fuck the old America. It has failed. We don't belong there anymore and we leave happily...We have nothing in common with the citizens of the old America because they are the fucking evildoers- election rigging oil drilling money grubbing insurance peddling bible pounding back stabbing double speaking war mongers. We want a new country. We want to become new ameriKans...respected in the world and building a positive future for the earth and its inhabitance. Become a founding father or give birth to a new county, please join us and immigrate to ameriKa. Support this thread with original ideas for new ameriKa.
nation building...a plan for a new ameriKa...your contributions
- do a post mortem analysis on old America...what killed it? let's not make the same mistakes
- write a declaration of independence from the old America for the new ameriKa
- write the ameriKan constitution
- design a flag
- write a national motto
- your ideas to add some more stuff
my fellow ameriKans, pass-on the word.....
In Solidarity-
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