I'm sorry but how many more times can Kerry show his Skull and Bones loyalty. Here's a guy who went in to the election up 10 points in the polls, only to be down ten points right before the debates. Here's a guy who walked with $51 million. Here's a guy who said he had "17,000 lawyers" working for him. Now after all this work Conyers and Jackson have done for him he splits town?
Now I find out that the
one attorney Kerry hired for the two months in Ohio was a Republican???
The Kerry campaign, which raised millions of dollars to guarantee "every vote will be counted" in the 2004 election, has challenged the results in just one county, where a technician dismantled at least one voting machine prior to the recount. Daniel J. Hoffheimer, an attorney hired by the Kerry campaign has emphasized his belief that despite that challenge, "this presidential election is over. The Bush-Cheney ticket has won."
Hoffheimer is affiliated with Taft, Stettinius and Hollister, a Cincinnati firm with deep Republican ties to Ohio's current GOP governor, Bob Taft. Hoffheimer said "the Kerry-Edwards campaign has found no conspiracy and no fraud in Ohio," but more serious researchers continue to uncover plenty. While struggling to find the financial resources necessary for the legal challenge, the Election Protection team has continued to uncover deeply disturbing evidence of manipulation, theft and fraud that went unaudited by the official recount. http://www.verifiedvoting.org/article.php?id=5471