they continually said that "everyone" thought Iraq had wmd. That is a flat out lie. Maybe in their world of simply being an amplifier for the Bush administration and a few well conected others that is true, but it is not true even among presidential primary candidates. The truth is that they simply could not conceive of good ole Dubya intentionally deceiving them. They failed to aknowledge that any opposing point of views existed, let alone listen to them.
They are like an abused pet, who has to crawl on back to their owner to get fed. Continually being abused by the very people they rely on for their livelyhood. They never get to the point where they will admit their government lies. Once they admit that, they're whole little fantasy world falls apart. Them being the reputable journalist bringing "news" to the masses. Once you question your position, you lose it.
Dennis Kucinich from the start said he believed there was no WMD. If you actually listened to/read what the IAEA said, they believed there was no evidence of WMD. The media again did no research, and simply read what Rove put out as what the IAEA said. Because who wants to read a 200 page report when you can read good ole karl's 1 page summary.