Each state one race only: Governor in Washington state and President in Ohio.
Both elections should be modeled on Oregon's mail-in election, probably the country's cleanest, fairest, best thought out election. 87% participation by registered voters. Because all ballots are signed and mailed in, "spoilage" is kept to a minimum. And once again, because all ballots are paper and mailed in, there is a paper trail readily available for a recount. And to boot, they've found that Oregon's mail-in only elections are 30% cheaper than the old 1960s-era election circuses we put up with. Oh, and one final thing, let's HAND count each and every ballot, with neutral, non-partisan election judges. No optical readers, no proprietary software. And as a wonderful bonus, there wouldn't be anymore dirty tricks at the polling locations. No more goon squads, no more poll challenges, and best of all, no more partisan poll workers.
I could live 100% with the results. If it turns out that a fair, clean, impartial and audit-able election shows Rossi the new governor of WA, great! If it turns out that bush* did not win Ohio, great! Oh and the final stipulation, no more political adds for the re-vote. We've seen enough. The only adds allowed would be to educate the citizens of the process. This could be our trial run. If this works out, we could go national for 2006.
It is time for the American people to stop waiting around for Congress or some other governmental official entity to fix the election process. They won't. They've had PLENTY of opportunity and done nothing. If Americans want fair, clean, simple, auditable elections, we'll have to let EVERYONE in Washington, D.C. know we are mad as hell and will not take it anymore. Anyone who had anything to do with our national elections knew it was a garbled mess. We, as a nation, were promised that there wouldn't be any more (s)Election 2000s.
The dirty little secret about our election system is that if our government wanted to fix our election system to make it fair, transparent and impartially auditable, we could do it immediately. I maintain that far too many persons on both sides of the aisle have no intention of fixing the election system. Wake up America.