relations between the Saudi Royal Family, The Bin Laden Family, the Carlyle Group, Halliburton, Unocal and the Taliban.
Financial transactions, pictures, videos, dates, dealings... etc. Most importantly, I need verifiable sources attached to this information.
If we can't get Bush and his cohorts with the election fraud they committed, we need to start making a case for treason that we can present to the people... freepers and all. We need to present a compilation of information on the financial dealings between the various corporations the Bush administration has stake in and the Saudis have stake in.
It's clear this administration is distracting the people of the United States from the real problem at hand. We SHOULD NOT be in Iraq if we're fighting the war on terrorism. The majority of our terrorists are coming from Saudi Arabia, they're being funded by a number of high ranking Saudi officials and the Bush administration is covering the Saudis asses because the Saudi money being used to fund these terrorist attacks is probably the same source of money funding corporations of interest to the members of this administration.
In other words... I believe freezing the assets of the Saudi officials who fund terrorist activities would financially damage a number of corporations the members of this Bush administration have stake in, which is why this administration continues to divert our attention away from the source of the terrorists... Saudi Arabia.