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A chance to win hearts and minds (in Indonesia)

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lebkuchen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 04:13 PM
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A chance to win hearts and minds (in Indonesia)
Here's a piece underscoring the fact that the Bushies have screwed up Iraq so badly, they have to travel to a different time zone to tout a "hearts and minds" policy. Would Jebbie's comparison of the catastrophic demise of 12 countries' coastlines to the WTC/Pentagon be considered an "over trumpet of the American role?"

U.S. aid to survivors of the catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami, including the largest American military operation in south Asia since the Vietnam War, could help restore some U.S. prestige in the Muslim world that has been lost in Iraq.

But U.S. political leaders and analysts caution Americans shouldn't over-trumpet the American role, or risk a backlash.

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Pacifist Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 04:23 PM
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1. I find this perspective highly offensive.
I was pleased to hear Senator Leahy's answer when Bill Hemmer asked him if the U.S. should increase aid to the region to improve American-Muslim relations. He answered something to the effect that disaster aid should never be for diplomatic reasons, but always for humanitarian ones. The idea of "buying good will" is anathema to me. We assist the earthquake victims because a) we can and b) it's the right thing to do. It shouldn't go any further than that. Jeb Bush's presence in the region irritates me for a long list of reasons.
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