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What does he want us to defend ourselves with, SPIT BALLS!?!?!

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socalover Donating Member (359 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:08 PM
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What does he want us to defend ourselves with, SPIT BALLS!?!?!
Edited on Tue Jan-04-05 10:21 PM by socalover
Why can't Democrats capitalize on the fact that Bush is cutting every major weapons program to fund his war in Iraq?

Why isn't our leadership taking advantage of this clear opportunity to win over the defense industry who has clearly favored Repugs for reasons I don't understand? This war in Iraq is currently hurting our military and damaging our ability to defend ourselves against a major threat with all of these major program cuts.

This Bush administration has already terminated the Comanche helicopter program and the Crusader programs. If a Democrat proposed these cuts, they will all scream we were soft on defense blah blah blah....

From Inside Defense.....

PENTAGON SLASHES $30B FROM MAJOR NAVY, AIR FORCE, MISSILE DEFENSE PROGRAMS: The Pentagon is preparing to ax nearly $30B from its spending plans over the next six years and deal significant blows to nearly its entire roster of major weapon programs. These cuts to big-ticket aircraft, ship and missile defense programs are accompanied by a $25B increase in spending for the Army over the same period, according to budget documents and sources. They reflect pressures that ongoing operations in Iraq are exerting on modernization plans. Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy SECDEF, approved the spending changes Dec. 23 in Program Budget Decision No. 753. The 26-page document marks one of the final steps in a year-long process to construct the Pentagon's 2006 spending proposal. Barring any persuasive last-minute appeal by a service chief or secretary, the decisions likely will be included in the DoD's 2006 spending request when it is forwarded to Congress in early February, according to a former Pentagon official familiar with the budget process. The document directs significant changes to a number of major programs between 2006 and 2011, including: Terminating C-130J cargo aircraft procurement for the Air Force and completing the remaining buy of KC-130Js for the Marine Corps in 2006. Cut: $5B; Shrinking the size of the Air Force F/A-22 program from 277 aircraft to 180 aircraft and completing the buy in 2008. Cut: $10.5B; Restructuring missile defense programs. Cut: $5B; Trimming two ships from the Navy's next-generation destroyer program. Cut: $2.5B; Eliminating the procurement of the amphibious ship LPD-17 in 2008. Cut: $952M; Reducing Virginia Class submarine procurement to one ship per year. Cut: $5.3B; Terminating the JCM Program. Cut: $2.3B; Delaying initial operating capability for the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle program. Cut: $1.5B; Reducing the procurement ramp for the V-22 Osprey program. Cut: $1.2B; Terminating the Joint Warfare Simulation program. Cut: $50M; Terminating the Air Force's Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser Extended Range program. Cut: $403M; Restructuring the Air Force's E-10A aircraft program. Cut: $600M; Restructuring the Transformational Satellite program. Cut: $400; Restructuring the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance program. Cut: $476M; Retiring in 2006 the aircraft carrier Kennedy. Cut: $1.2B; Restructuring the J-UCAS program. Cut: $1B. These actions followed guidance issued earlier in December by the White House OMB, which called on the Pentagon to reduce the size of the 2006 budget request. But for months, defense budget experts have been warning that mounting health care costs, rising expenses from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and increased personnel outlays were adding up to expensive bills that could shake up the Pentagon's weapons modernization plans. The Army sees a major windfall. The budget documents direct the addition of $5B a year between 2007 and 2011 to assist the service in reorganizing into brigade-size units. The Air Force's SBR gets a major boost -- $592M -- in the Dec. 23 budget decision, with the Pentagon planning for a first launch in 2015. Also, the service's Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite program gets a $825M increase to support a first launch in 2008. The Navy gets a $600M increase across the six-year budget period to design an “undersea superiority system” to deliver capabilities lost by the reduced purchases of submarines. These funds may not be used by the Navy for submarine programs, according to the budget document. Untouched in the budget adjustment is the Joint JSF program. The size of the cut to 2006 spending proposal is $5.9B, lower than earlier reports of $10B. These will be followed by cuts of $1.1B in 2007, $3.3B in 2008, $8.3B in 2009, $7.3B in 2010 and $3.8B in 2011, the PBD states.
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DianeG5385 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. Why doesn't he cut the wasteful and failed SDI
missile defense system? Who profits? This is a program that MUST go.
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Florida_Geek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:11 PM
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2. Because he is a repug
it was Dickie that started the major cuts in the military back in 41 time.

And the money is not being "cut" it is being re-directed to other projects.
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socalover Donating Member (359 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:26 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. Exactomundo! nt
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AlCzervik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:12 PM
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3. How do you know they aren't screaming?
do you see a lot of democrats on tv? I sure don't.
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Verve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:14 PM
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4. Hey! He needs some money for his coronation! Cut him some slack!
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kodi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 10:55 PM
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6. easy there now, zell. put the moonshine down and step away from the bar
btw: those are laser guided spit balls
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