Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 09:09 AM by LynnTheDem
into...oh...I dunno...say 1939-ish?
We have a judge in Wa State who refuses to give a woman a divorce from her husband who is in jail for 2 yrs for beating her, coz she's pregnant with her boyfriend's child & wants to marry him before their baby is born, but the judge says a married pregnant woman can't get a divorce coz we must think of the fetus' rights. We have a judge who tells a woman she can't get pregnant coz she's an "unfit parent", and if she does get PG she will be locked in jail for contempt of court. We have the FBI charging under the Patriot Act a stupid man who was playing with his new laser toy in a "foolhardy and negligent" way, but "no connection to terrorism" say the FBI. But he's still gonna be charged under the PA.
We have the Justice Department charging a gang member under the PA... NOT for any terrorism, but because "gang members can commit terrorist deeds". Ummm...so can any American citizen. So there ya have it; the bushCartel definition of a terrorist; anyone who CAN commit terrorist deeds. We have the Justice Dept saying we should have known they'd use the PA for any crimes they want, not just for terrorism...after we all fought the PA saying the powers were so wide they'd be used for non-terrorism cases and bush & Co saying oooh nooooo we'd NEVER do that! We have bushCo saying the good thing about the tsunami relief aid is it gives the US a chance for a military build-up in the area which is a "heavily Muslim population". We have the Brethern Church being visited by the Selective Service board wanting the church to agree to setting up "alternative service in case of a draft"...and the SSS "just happened to be in the area" so "dropped in" on the church to arrange things. We have bush putting more sanctions against SYRIA for their "refusal to close the Iraq border", which is the OCCUPIER'S responsibility, NOT Syria's, and of the 353 non-Iraqi detainees in Iraq, (and who may have been living in Iraq for years), 61 are Egyptians (no US sanctions), 59 are Saudi (no US sanctions) and 56 are Syrians...MORE US SANCTIONS! We have a SC Justice (asshole Scalia) saying "separation of church & state didn't save the Jews" in Hitler's Germany...yeah no kidding Scalia, coz Hitler DIDN'T HAVE separation of church & state. And that is what Scalia wants for the USA; a "christian nation" with church & state ruling together. And bush agrees. And wants more "faith-based funding". Now maybe it's just me....but this is starting to sound just WAY too damn close to "it couldn't happen here but hey guess what!"
If ya'll wouldn't mind telling me I am so totally imaginating the result of "4" from "2 + 2", I would REALLY appreciate it! Thanks! :) And PS: Tell me PNAC is just Jeb's and Rummy's et al idea of a joke and doesn't fit into all of the above in any way even if it weren't just a joke.