Edited on Sun Sep-07-03 07:52 AM by Flying_Pig
G.W. Bush *IS* toast! Start chilling the French champagne, because the time is coming, ...fast.
Since December of 2000, many here on DU, and other mostly Internet-based sources, have predicted the fall of Smirky McMonkeyboy, for one transgression/crime, or another. Our hearts have filled with hope, and promise, only to be quickly replaced with a sense of defeat and anger. Problem was/is, the crimes of this regime have failed to generate much actual steam, despite the hyper-active "billows work" on the political fires that many of us have done. Up to now, we have failed to start a conflagration, and Georgie and Dick have thus far managed to slither into the shadows every time, relatively unscathed, helped by a compliant and embedded media.
Be it:
> Election 2000 > The California Energy Crisis > Enron > 9/11 (LIHOP or MIHOP) > Secret Energy Meetings > Spiriting out of the country, the bin Laden family after 9/11 > The continuing debacles at the U.N. > Lying about Iraq, before, during, and the "so-called after", the war > The Economy > Air quality in New York
and on, and on, ....and on..., they have, much to our consternation, thus far, escaped justice each and every time, in each and every case. So what's changed now? Well, it certainly isn't the media, which is still filled with whores, traitors, and collaborators (who need to be severely punished, ...more on that another time), though some are starting to see the writing on the wall, and are positioning themselves for a bit of face-saving, if not survival. It isn't the Democratic campaigns in progress either, though each are helping to add to the rising din. No, what it is, and what has been missing, is legitimacy, perceived or otherwise, of those making the accusations against the Bush regime.
The Regime, is doing all it can, aided and abetted by the Republican-controlled media, to bury stories, discredit opponents and whistle-blowers (including, murdering them?), hurriedly issuing phony terror alerts, ramping up more war rhetoric (Iran and Syria anyone?), up to, and including, Junior's hastily called nationwide address scheduled for tonight. They are desperate my friends. for the first time, they are panic stricken, ...and what a delight it is to see! The cocky smirks are being slapped from their faces, replaced with "deer in the headlights" looks of sheer terror. They are stammering, stuttering, and falling "off-message". Don't be fooled by any manufactured "toughness", or patriotic propaganda, these people are terrified, ...and I love it!
While seeing their fear, bring worries on it's own (will they do another MIHOP to divert attention?), it's gone all too far now, ...too far. So what's changed?
Around the world, and in our own country, from government ministers (Meacher in Britain), to ambassadors (Wilson, and others in the U.S.), to presidents and foreign ministers of other nations spanning the globe, to doctors, to academics, to intelligence agents, to military personnel, to scientists, to professors, to the 9/11 families, and on, and on, people of great authority and creditability are making the accusations now.
It's not just us political geeks and observers, it's not the cab-driver making conversation, it's not partisan political hacks, it's not just the members of MoveOn and DU, ........the accusations have now been conferred irrefutable, and undeniable legitimacy, by virtue of those who have chosen to embrace them. It nation-wide, it's world-wide, and it is out of their control, ...and they know it.
They know it, and they are scared shitless. The are "riding shotgun down an avalanche*". They are grabbing their ankles, while the mountain of lies, scandals, and crimes they built up, ...gives way. It's too late now, and too much momentum has been gained. They can no longer stop it. Oh, ...they can, and probably will,.. try. They can start diversionary tactics and actions, ... but it's too late. We, and the world, aren't buying it any more, and some of us, ...never did. And whatever they might try to do, will be viewed with the highest level of critical suspicion, and only their most hard-core believers will buy anything they might be selling, ...from this point forward.
So, we have a few miles to go, before justice is done, but we are going to be able to witness the death-knell of this fascist, neocon driven regime, and be a part of history by helping it happen. They, like any cornered wild-animals though, are apt to be most dangerous right now, so we need to keep our guard up, and keep hammering, and hammering away. We are close to seeing what many of us thought we would *never* see, .... justice for those who have brought our nation to its knees. So close, I am chilling my champagne, and this time, for once,.... I don't think I will regret having started the party a little bit early. The "pigs" are flying! Salute'!
:evilgrin: (* Thanks to Shawn Colvin)