A Mole in the Progressive Movement?By Andres Kargar
Jan 4
Gary Webb’s final emaciation, however, had to come from someone with progressive credentials, and that honor was bestowed upon David Corn of The Nation magazine who stepped in to strike the final blow. Corn, who had not spent a single hour of research on the subject, attacked Gary’s report and claimed that Gary Webb “had overstated the case and had not proven his more cinematic allegations.” Imagine this: a scandal of this magnitude is unfolding that exposes how American citizens are falling victims to the CIA’s drug-running operations, and David Corn sees his patriotic duty to pinpoint how “the case is being overstated.” Personally, if I ran across such an “overstated” and “flawed” report, I would hold the CIA and Los Angeles authorities responsible and demand real investigations, rather than wasting my time, pinpointing unspecified flaws and immeasurable overstatements.
Just recently, in an article in The Nation, David Corn had tried to discredit Greg Palast’s (the award-winning investigative reporter –
http://www.GregPalast.com) claims of fraud in the 2004 presidential elections. .... In November 2002, at the height of the Bush administration’s intrigues against Iraq and the popular antiwar demonstrations, David Corn steps in to attack and discredit the organizers of these demonstrations (in practice lining up with the Bush regime). In an article in the LA Weekly, Corn accuses the International ANSWER organization (Act Now to Stop War & Racism) of being a front for the Worker’s World Party.
That’s not all. In 2001, David Corn and Marc Cooper (another Nation “liberal") sided with Pacifica Radio Network’s rogue management in their attempts to clean the member radio stations of progressives, sell some stations, and basically dismantle the progressive network.
Later in 2002, David Corn steps in to discredit a fellow by the name of Michael Ruppert who claimed that the Bush administration had been warned in advance of 9/11 attacks. Despite the fact that I always marvel at the vastness of David Corn’s areas of expertise (and intervention), I have to say Michael Ruppert’s basic claims are common knowledge today and were also made in other ways by FBI whistleblowers and others. David Corn’s response to all these accusations: conspiracy theory—it’s simpler than thinking.