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The Plan to take America back from the RW

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 11:34 AM
Original message
The Plan to take America back from the RW
-Promote the idea of a unipartisan Bush Administration
-There can be NO Democrats in the Bush Administration

-Taking advantage of the RW Schism
-Promote Judicial Nominees that the Christian Right hates
-Refuse to come together with the Republican Party
-Promote RW Third Parties

-Continue attacks on Media outlets of the Republican Party
-Continue to debunk the claims of the Swift Liars
-Oppose Fox News
-Oppose Sinclair Broadcasting

The Democratic Party is now simply "political insurance". The era of
blaming Clinton for absolutely everything is starting to get old, even in the eyes of many Conservatives, and only the most idiotic of
Right-Wingers would blame anything on Clinton in this day and age.

-Promote the idea of a unipartisan Bush Administration
-There can be NO Democrats in the Bush Administration
Bush has wanted several Democrats to be in positions in his Administration, saying yes to him would be a mistake. When something
will go wrong, and something will go wrong under Bush, it is good not to have one of our people in a position in the Bush Administration as it would be blamed on him/her.

Take for example the chance that Lieberman could be nominated to head of Homeland Security. If this happens and when there is another
terrorist attack, it won't be blamed on Bush, people will say that the Democrats would be unable to defend America. I say we should just let the Bush Administration be as fascist as they want.

-Taking advantage of the RW Schism
-Promote Judicial Nominees that the Christian Right hates
Not all appointees of Bush are liked by the Christian Right, to open a schism we must find the ones they do not like and promote them.

-Refuse to come together with the Republican Party
The fact that some RW'ers are calling for bipartisan politics may be
proof that the Republican Party may be falling apart and they want us to serve as the glue to hold them together (once again, we are being used as insurance). There is no way we can truly help them and they just want us to serve them as they try to mend their bonds. We
shouldn't help them to do this, but we can help America by further
taking advantage of the schism.

-Promote RW Third Parties such as the Constitution Party or the Falangist Party.
These Parties are so extreme that the Republican Party will lose their group of voters that support the idea of a Theocracy, who are militant Anti-GLBT, support homeschooling, etc.

-Continue attacks on Media outlets of the Republican Party
-Continue to debunk the claims of the Swift Liars
-Oppose Fox News
-Oppose Sinclair Broadcasting
These and other Republican friendly groups must be opposed. We must
attack their credentials, authority, and more, and their bias must be revealed.
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fertilizeonarbusto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. Along with your last point
Lambaste RW "think" tanks like the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation and other purveyors of mendacious, self-interested RW piffle. Also take every opportunity to discredit such RW moneybags like Richard Mellon Scaife.
Great post!
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forgethell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:04 PM
Response to Original message
2. There can be NO Democrats in the Bush Administration
Does this make the Republicans "unipartisan", or does it make the Democrats look like very sore losers?

"Bipartisanship" basically means "play along with us on the major issues, and we'll let you have some influence around the fringes". That's what it meant when we were in power, and that's what it means now.

We can refuse to co-operate in any way, and it might work. It might backfire, too, if the Repukes succeed in getting their agenda passed without our help, and they realize that they don't need us. Besides, if we can stop the rock-slide falling on the Democratic village, shouldn't we at least try to divert it?

Besides, all this, do you think the RW isn't making its own plans to "expose left wing bias". For example, Rathergate, while not as hot as it was, can be dragged back out into the public view. Then there are the Greens, which can, and probably will, split the Dems in 2008. Then what about the PETA wackos? Will these split the party?

All told, I think it is better to maintain some semblance of co-operation with the governing party, mainly so we can present ourselves as responsible adults to the voters.
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