This brilliant post at Rude Pundit: this even more brilliant quote:
>>The simple truth is that Democrats, moderates, liberals, anyone, won't win by saying, "Lookeeme, I'm like you, Farmer Brown or Factory Worker Sally, look at me compromise on abortion rights and put on shit-stained boots to go out into the fields and talk about how much I hate queers." No, winning comes by saying, "Look here, Farmer Brown and Factory Worker Sally, you are like me." And that means on each and every coming battle - Social Security, judges, tax cuts, Iraq. The people don't want leaders who identify with them. They want leaders who they identify with. It's a fine, but important distinction.<<
This defines the whole problem with the Dem. party and their trouble connecting with some Republican voters whose ideals align with ours, but who never vote for Dems. (Of course, Dems are being constantly vilified by hate radio, etc., but that's another topic).
People don't want leaders who want to be like them. They want leaders who can make a convincing case that they can be identified with.
This was part of the reason I thought Dean had it exactly right on the South. His message to folks with pickup trucks and gun racks? "You are like us". Our interests align.