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Dear Fox Fans: Here's What Fox News Won't Tell You >>>

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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:22 PM
Original message
Dear Fox Fans: Here's What Fox News Won't Tell You >>>
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 03:01 PM by Stephanie

Let's start with PNAC - The Project for a New American Century.

Fox Fans, did you know that the Iraq war was planned years before 9/11 happened?

To get you started:


ABC News Nightline

The Plan
Were Neo-Conservatives’ 1998 Memos a Blueprint for Iraq War?

March 10 — Years before George W. Bush entered the White House, and years before the Sept. 11 attacks set the direction of his presidency, a group of influential neo-conservatives hatched a plan to get Saddam Hussein out of power.

The group, the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, was founded in 1997. Among its supporters were three Republican former officials who were sitting out the Democratic presidency of Bill Clinton: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz.
In open letters to Clinton and GOP congressional leaders the next year, the group called for "the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power" and a shift toward a more assertive U.S. policy in the Middle East, including the use of force if necessary to unseat Saddam.

And in a report just before the 2000 election that would bring Bush to power, the group predicted that the shift would come about slowly, unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."

That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon.


Of Gods and Mortals and Empire
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Friday 21 February 2003

<snip> Vice President Dick Cheney is a founding member of PNAC, along with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is the ideological father of the group. Bruce Jackson, a PNAC director, served as a Pentagon official for Ronald Reagan before leaving government service to take a leading position with the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

PNAC is staffed by men who previously served with groups like Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America, which supported America's bloody gamesmanship in Nicaragua and El Salvador, and with groups like The Committee for the Present Danger, which spent years advocating that a nuclear war with the Soviet Union was "winnable."

PNAC has recently given birth to a new group, The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which met with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in order to formulate a plan to "educate" the American populace about the need for war in Iraq. CLI has funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to support the Iraqi National Congress and the Iraqi heir presumptive, Ahmed Chalabi. Chalabi was sentenced in absentia by a Jordanian court in 1992 to 22 years in prison for bank fraud after the collapse of Petra Bank, which he founded in 1977. Chalabi has not set foot in Iraq since 1956, but his Enron-like business credentials apparently make him a good match for the Bush administration's plans.

PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report is the institutionalization of plans and ideologies that have been formulated for decades by the men currently running American government. The PNAC Statement of Principles is signed by Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, as well as by Eliot Abrams, Jeb Bush, Bush's special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, and many others. William Kristol, famed conservative writer for the Weekly Standard, is also a co-founder of the group. The Weekly Standard is owned by Ruppert Murdoch, who also owns international media giant Fox News


Click here to learn more >>> Intro to PNAC

What other information has Fox been hiding from its viewers? Please post it here. Fox Fans have a lot of catching up to do!

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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. you wont find to many Faux fans around here..maybe some short post lurkers
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kweerwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:28 PM
Response to Original message
2. What other information has Fox been hiding from its viewers?
Well, for starters:

1. the earth is round
2. the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around
3. when you convert "George W. Bush" into ancient Babylonian numerology, it totals 666
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Bouncy Ball Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:30 PM
Response to Original message
3. I'm telling you guys
the real spelling is F-U-X, not F-O-X!

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:31 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I'm partial to POX! nt
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Bouncy Ball Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:31 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. And FAUX!
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flygal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:12 PM
Response to Reply #3
22. I'm using that one from now on - thnx ;)
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comsymp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:31 PM
Response to Original message
5. How 'bout no relationship between Saddam and 9/11
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 02:32 PM by comsymp
and the only verified links between AQ and Iraq involved bases in the Kurdish (US protected) northern no-fly zone?
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ProfessorPlum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:34 PM
Response to Original message
7. Al Gore never said he "invented the internet"

Also, the "Love Canal" and "Love Story" stories are actually studies in how the corporate media smeared an innocent candidate, not evidence of Gore's delusion.
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DireStrike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:35 PM
Response to Original message
8. And here's why PNAC is bad: "All men are created equal."
That means non-Americans too.

Also it's a terribly ineffective plan that ignores many realities about the world's situation.

Gotta be careful, I've heard stories about people who were shown PNAC who agreed with it...
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RaleighNCDUer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:10 PM
Response to Reply #8
21. The PNAC website does present a well considered vision of
what the Middle East could be.

However, the war shows what that well considered vision looks like in reality.

And these are the people who decry the ivy-tower elitists. They are so divorced from reality that they believe their own propaganda.
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Hunter_1253 Donating Member (121 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:35 PM
Response to Original message
9. Fox news is just...
getting defensive, a normal reaction to having your news agency revealed as a partisan sham. The partisanship is blatantly apparent, almost servile, and it seems they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Bush was given free reign in the corporate owned news even after a period of eight years where the President's daily bowel movement was covered, criticized, and often subjected to speculation on what the chunks were. Bill, for his strengths and foibles alike, was on constant watch and scrutiny. Dim Son here is given free range and a wide birth simply because he's like an immature, short dictator of some country that refuses to talk to press that isn't kind to him and really has nukes. Like Kim Jong-il without the crazy hair. Back on point, there is leaning left or right, and that's all right, but Fox is more propaganda then news.
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DireStrike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
10. PIPA: Other things Fox viewers might not know.
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txaslftist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
11. This Just IN...
This just in, Faux News has now run at least three segments critical of 'Democratic Underground', a website dedicated to progressive ideals and democratic party advancement. The segments were sharply critical, reflecting the same sentiments, although in a less crude manner, as the Democratic Underground's chief competitor, 'Fascist Republic'.

Faux News Propaganda Minister Sean 'Goebbels' Hannity was quoted as saying, "Ziss vill teach those vile joos, communistz und homozexualz zat ve vill cleanze ze earth of their filth in conzentration ca... I mean, zat ve vill be fair und balanced..."

Faux News chief of Fairness und Balance, William Felafel O'Lielly was quoted as saying, "We are closely monitoring this 'democratic underground' for signs of un-American activity. We already have a blacklist, starting with some pervert named 'midlosomething or other'. We won't tolerate commies in this country."

Faux News correspondent and chief bottlewasher GGGordon Binconvicted Liddy was quoted as saying, "See, I told you all along Nixon was no crook!"

And back to you, Jane.

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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:02 PM
Response to Reply #11
14. My message to Hannity
We American Patriots won't tolerate Un American Totalitarian Bootlickers like Hannity who want to destroy the Constitution .

Get your tongue off your masters boot Hannity and defend America.

Patriots Unite :headbang:

P.S. Keith Olberman is sexier than you B-)

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Just Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:41 PM
Response to Original message
12. The Bush administration is funnelling public wealth,...
,...into the military-corporate complex.

The Bush administration is betraying the loyalty and trust of the American people in order to justify its profiteering imperialism.

The Bush administration HATES democracy!!!
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
13. something else they won't tell you
I'm a Liberal and am not rich , but I send care
packages to soldiers . I have yellow ribbons and
support our troops signs in my yard I also fly
old glory when the weather isn't raining like it
has been all week .

I don't blame America first , in fact I'm very
proud to be An American citizen . I don't trust
our Government to do what is in our best interest
that's all . So I question everything :shrug:

It really pisses me off when politicians mess
with the Constitution regardless of political
party and when they give themselves pay raises .

I am a small business owner , but can't afford
health care for myself .

When you work hard , get rich and be happy ,
It doesn't annoy me .

However when you invade my privacy and make security
excuses for shatting upon My Constitution it does
annoy me to no end .

I am not a pacifist , if you hit me, I'll hit you back.

I don't vote for LIARS , I didn't vote for Clinton
in 96' because he lied and I will never support bush
for the very same reason .

Not all of us fit into the nicely packaged stereotype
that Fox loves to put me in .

Have a good day :headbang:
from a white married homemaker suburban security mom
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txaslftist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #13
15. Rock on security mom!
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:09 PM
Response to Original message
16. Hey, Fox Fans! Did you know Bush was AWOL on 9/11? >
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 03:17 PM by Stephanie

He was no hero. He spent the day "trying to get out of harm's way." Unlike the brave heroes at the WTC who ran towards danger, Bush ran away like a scared little bunny.

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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:40 PM
Response to Original message
17. Fox Fans! Bet you didn't know that there's a TRAITOR in the White House >
Ever heard about what someone in the White House did to CIA agent Valerie Plame?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Valerie Plame is an American Central Intelligence Agency employee whose identification as a CIA "operative" by columnist Robert Novak on July 14, 2003 resulted in a Justice Department investigation into possible violation of U.S. criminal law regarding exposure of covert government agents. In March 2004, the independent counsel subpoenaed the telephone records from Air Force One, resulting in a political scandal.

Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, was identified as a CIA "operative" by Novak, who wrote "Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate" the allegation.<1> (

According to Novak, administration sources claimed that it had been at Plame's suggestion that the CIA sent her husband to Niger in 2002 to investigate the Yellowcake Forgery, documents implying that Iraq had attempted to illegally purchase uranium from that country. This appeared to contradict Wilson's claim that he was sent to Niger at the request of Vice President Cheney. Cheney has denied any knowledge of Wilson's Niger visit.

Wilson charged that his wife's CIA association had been deliberately exposed by the White House in order to destroy her career, in retaliation for his public charge that the Bush administration had lied to the American people about U.S. intelligence concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In an article in The New York Times on July 6, 2003, Wilson denounced the Bush administration, saying that "some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat."

Under certain circumstances, the exposure of a covert government agent would violate the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, carrying a maximum sentence of 10 years. The act applies itself to a person who "learns the identify of a covert agent and intentionally discloses any information identifying such covert agent to any individual not authorized to receive classified information, knowing that the information disclosed so identifies such covert agent and that the United States is taking affirmative measures to conceal such covert agent's intelligence relationship to the United States." <2> ( The Novak column did describe Plame as an "operative", but did not use the description "covert". Novak has stated that the CIA made "a very weak request" that he not name Plame publicly. columnist James Taranto suggests that this indicates the absence of "affirmative measures to conceal" necessary for a violation of the law. <3>
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Radical Activist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:01 PM
Response to Original message
18. They won't tell you anything good about unions
What do you expect from a network owned by a right wing millionaire that tells its "reporters" what message to emphasize each day?
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Radical Activist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:03 PM
Response to Original message
19. That Bush really DOES own a lumber company and
His "healthy forests" initiative is merely an excuse to cut down timber in National Forests at taxpayer expense. I guess you won't have forest fires if you cut down all the trees.
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RaleighNCDUer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:18 PM
Response to Reply #19
23. Actually, "Healthy Forests" endangers the forests, because
it takes out mature trees, which could withstand normal ground fires, and leaves immature trees and brush which burn fast and hot, and when they burn they'll take the older trees with them.

You want healthy forests, go in with weedeaters and take out the trash trees, not the big ones.
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Radical Activist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:06 PM
Response to Original message
20. When was the last time Fox reported civilian casualties in Iraq?
Just wondering. Of course we shouldn't worry about that because apparently Jesus only cares about American lives, or at least that's the impression I get from Fox and Republicans who don't bother talking about Iraqi deaths.
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:19 PM
Response to Original message
24. Hey Fox Fans! Guess what! There never were any WMDs in Iraq >
So, like, why did we go there?

Final report: Iraq had no WMDs
From staff and wire reports

WASHINGTON — When the United States invaded Iraq last year to disarm Saddam Hussein's regime, there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or any facilities to build them, according to a definitive report released Wednesday.

The 1,000-page report by chief weapons searcher Charles Duelfer, a document that President Bush said would represent the last word on the issue, confirms earlier findings and undermines much of the Bush administration's case about the Iraq weapons threat, though it does say Saddam intended to restart his weapons programs once United Nations sanctions were lifted.

Using the research of the 1,700-member Iraq Survey Group, Duelfer concluded that Saddam ordered his arsenal of chemical and biological weapons destroyed in 1991 and 1992 and halted nuclear weapons development, all in hopes of lifting crippling economic sanctions.

"Saddam Hussein ended the nuclear program in 1991 following the Gulf War," the report states.

The findings were similarly definitive concerning chemical and biological weapons: "Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991" and the survey team found "no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production."
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riverwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:21 PM
Response to Original message
25. Bill O'Reilly pervert lawsuit
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 04:29 PM
Response to Original message
26. Fox Fans! There was never any connection between Saddam and al Queda >

Al Qaeda-Hussein Link Is Dismissed

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, June 17, 2004; Page A01

The Sept. 11 commission reported yesterday that it has found no "collaborative relationship" between Iraq and al Qaeda, challenging one of the Bush administration's main justifications for the war in Iraq.

Along with the contention that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top administration officials have often asserted that there were extensive ties between Hussein's government and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network; earlier this year, Cheney said evidence of a link was "overwhelming."

But the report of the commission's staff, based on its access to all relevant classified information, said that there had been contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda but no cooperation. In yesterday's hearing of the panel, formally known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, a senior FBI official and a senior CIA analyst concurred with the finding.

The staff report said that bin Laden "explored possible cooperation with Iraq" while in Sudan through 1996, but that "Iraq apparently never responded" to a bin Laden request for help in 1994. The commission cited reports of contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda after bin Laden went to Afghanistan in 1996, adding, "but they do not appear to have resulted in a collaborative relationship. Two senior bin Laden associates have adamantly denied that any ties existed between al Qaeda and Iraq. We have no credible evidence that Iraq and al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."
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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 07:47 PM
Response to Reply #26
27. Faux maybe trying to cover their ass
Dream mood

Fox execs scurry about knowing that the election fraud is about to be uncovered and
that with the internet everybody will see bush and thugs through the PNAC have been
working on a war in Iraq for the past 10 years.

They are in a panic. One can only hope for strokes, finger pointing, mea culpas, and
panic among the closeted gay commenters.

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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 11:21 PM
Response to Reply #27
28. Funny stuff!
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Mike Niendorff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 05:25 AM
Response to Original message
29. A whole bunch of fun links for our Fox Friends :

We report, you decide:

A 9-11 Thread for DU Newcomers
DU archives, 11/18/2002

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Mike Niendorff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 05:57 AM
Response to Original message
30. reposting some references directly
Edited on Thu Jan-06-05 06:08 AM by Mike Niendorff
From the thread referenced in my previous post:


Ashcroft Flying High
CBS News, 7/26/01 -- less than 7 weeks before 9/11

In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft as traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.


Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it.

A senior official at the CIA said he was unaware of specific threats against any Cabinet member ...


Asked if he knew anything about the threat or who might have made it, the attorney general replied, "Frankly, I don't. That's the answer."



Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes
CNN, 1/29/02

President {sic} Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events of September 11, congressional and White House sources told CNN.

The request was made at a private meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday morning. Sources said Bush initiated the conversation.


Tuesday's discussion followed a rare call to Daschle from Vice President {sic} Dick Cheney last Friday to make the same request.



Revealed: The Taliban minister, the US envoy and the warning of September 11 that was ignored
The Independent (UK), 9/7/02

Weeks before the terrorist attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil.

The warnings were delivered by an aide of Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, the Taliban Foreign Minister at the time, who was known to be deeply unhappy with the foreign militants in Afghanistan, including Arabs.


The minister learnt in July last year that Mr. bin Laden was planning a "huge attack" on targets inside America, the aide said. The attacks were imminent and would be so deadly that the United States would react with destructive rage.


Mr. Muttawakil learnt of the coming attacks on America not from other members of the Taliban leadership, but from the leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Tahir Yildash.


"Yildash had revealed that Osama bin Laden was going to launch an attack on the United States. It would take place on American soil and it was imminent. Yildash said Osama hoped to kill thousands of Americans."


The emissary went first to the Americans, travelling across the border to meet with consul general, David Katz, in the Pakistani border town of Peshawar, in the third week of July 2001. They met in a safehouse belonging to an old mujahedin leader who has confirmed to The Independent that the meeting took place.

Another US official was also present - possibly from the intelligence services. Mr. Katz, who now works at the American embassy in Eritrea, declined to talk about the meeting.



Taliban warned US, UN
BBC, 9/7/02

The minister was deeply worried that the US military would react with deadly vengeance against Afghanistan.

As he put it, al-Qaeda, the Taleban's guests, were going to destroy the guest house.

One of his former aides told me how he had been sent to issue warnings.

He went first to the American consulate in Peshawar in Pakistan, then to the United Nations. But neither warning was heeded.

One US official explained why :

"We were hearing a lot of that kind of stuff," he said.



Treasury Denies Report on Hijacker :
U.S. Treasury Department Denies Report That Bank Flagged Funds Transfer to Hijacker

ABC News, 5/23/02

The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday vehemently denied a U.N. report that Mohamed Atta, one of the terrorists involved in the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, received a transfer of funds into his U.S. account which was flagged by his bank.

According to Wednesday's U.N. report, the bank filed a "suspicious transaction report" with the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ...


The U.N. report was prepared by an expert group, authorized by the Security Council to monitor implementation of new sanctions against Osama bin Laden, his al-Qaida terror network, and Afghanistan's former Taliban rulers.



Aides: Bush Knew of Hijacking Threat Before Sept 11
Reuters, 5/15/02
(archived at )

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, the Bush administration received intelligence that Osama bin Laden could be plotting to hijack U.S. aircraft, prompting it to put security agencies on alert, the White House said Wednesday.

"The information the president {sic} got dealt with hijackings in the traditional sense, not suicide bombers, not using planes as missiles," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said of the intelligence, which was presented to President {sic} Bush last summer.


The disclosure followed reports that an FBI agent urged the bureau to investigate Middle Eastern men enrolled in U.S. flight schools several months before Sept. 11, even naming bin Laden, who Washington later accused of masterminding the attacks.



What Bush Knew
Newsweek, 5/27/02

Last week Rice declared, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center ... All of this reporting about hijacking was about traditional hijacking"; in other words, using passenger jets as hostages. In fact, the government had ample reason to believe that Al Qaeda was no longer interested in traditional terror. The CIA had learned as early as 1995 that Abdul Hakim Murad, an associate of '93 WTC plotter Ramzi Yousef, had talked about plunging an airliner into the CIA building. Italian authorities had warned of a similar bid at last June's Genoa summit of the G8 leaders - and they ringed the area with surface-to-air missiles, with CIA cooperation {much more in next cites -- this is a HUGE point}.


When, in January 2001, Berger gave Rice her handover briefing, he covered the bin Laden threat in detail, and, sources say, warned her: "You will be spending more time on this issue than on any other." Rice was alarmed by what she heard, and asked for a strategy review. But the effort was marginalized and scarcely mentioned in ensuing months as the administration committed itself to other priorities, like national missile defense (NMD) and Iraq.

John Ashcroft seemed particularly eager to set a new agenda. In the spring of 2001, the attorney general had an extraordinary confrontation with the then FBI Director Louis Freeh at an annual meeting of special agents in charge in Quantico, Va. The two talked before appearing, and Ashcroft laid out his priorities for Freeh, another Clinton holdover (though no friend of the ex-president's), "basically violent crime and drugs," recalls one participant. Freeh replied bluntly that those were not his priorities, and began to talk about terror and counterterrorism. "Ashcroft didn't want to hear about it," says a former senior law-enforcement official.


{On Sept. 10}, Ashcroft submitted his budget request, barely mentioning counterterrorism.



The Hijackers We Let Escape
Newsweek, 6/2/02

A few days after the Kuala Lumpur meeting, NEWSWEEK has learned, the CIA tracked one of the terrorist, Nawaf Alhazmi, as he flew from the meeting {of bin Laden's followers in Malaysia} to Los Angeles. Agents discovered that another of the men, Khalid Almihdhar, had already obtained a multiple-entry visa that allowed him to enter and leave the United States as he pleased. (They later learned that he had in fact arrived in the United States on the same flight as Alhazmi.)

Yet, astonishingly, the CIA did nothing with this information. Agency officials didn't tell the INS, which could have turned them away at the border, nor did they notify the FBI, which could have covertly tracked them to find out their mission. Instead, during the year and nine months after the CIA identified them as terorrists, Alhazmi and Almihdhar lived openly in the United States, using their real names, obtaining driver's licenses, opening bank accounts and enrolling in flight schools - until the morning of September 11, when they walked aboard American Airlines Flight 77 and crashed it into the Pentagon.


NEWSWEEK has learned that when Almihdhar's visa expired, the State Department, not knowing any better, simply issued him a new one in June 2001 - even though by then the CIA had linked him to one of the suspected bombers of the USS Cole in October 2000. The two terrorists' frequent meetings with the other September 11 perpetrators could have provided federal agents with a road map to the entire cast of 9-11 hijackers.


The CIA is forbidden from spying on people inside the United States. Had it followed standard procedure and passed the baton to the FBI once they crossed the border, agents would have discovered that Almihdhar and Alhazmi weren't just visiting California, they were already living there. The men had moved into an apartment in San Diego two months before the Kuala Lumpur meeting.

The CIA's reluctance to divulge what it knew is especially odd because, as 2000 dawned, U.S. law-enforcement agencies were on red alert, certain that a bin Laden strike somewhere in the world could come at any moment. There was certainly reason to believe bin Laden was sending men here to do grave harm. Just a few weeks before, an alert Customs inspector had caught another Qaeda terrorist, Ahmed Ressam, as he tried to cross the Canadian border in a rental car packed with explosives. His mission: to blow up Los Angeles airport.



Could it have been stopped?
60 Minutes II, 5/8/02

A month before September 11th, the FBI hauled in a French citizen, Zacarias Moussaoui. He's now in jail -- the only person charged in the attacks. Prosecutors call him 'the 20th hijacker'.

We now know that, back in August, Moussaoui's possessions contained evidence that would expose key elements of the Setember 11th conspiracy. The FBI didn't search Moussaoui's things because it says it didn't have enough evidence for a search warrant. Critical evidence was in the hands of French intelligence. The FBI says that if that evidence exists, the Bureau never received it.



FBI Agent Alleges Moussaoui Roadblocks
NY Times, 5/23/02

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An FBI agent accused her Washington headquarters of erecting a "roadblock" to the pre-Sept. 11 investigation of terrorism defendant Zacarias Moussaoui. Her letter immediately prompted an internal investigation.

Agent Coleen Rowley, a lawyer in the Minnesota office that arrested Moussaoui last August, divulged in her letter that local agents became so frustrated with FBI headquarters that they broke from their chain of command and notified the CIA about the suspect before Sept. 11.

The local agents were reprimanded for doing so, Rowley alleged in a rare letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller that also was sent Tuesday to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"When, in a desperate 11th-hour measure to bypass the FBI HQ roadblock, the Minneapolis division undertook to directly notify the CIA's counterterrorist center, FBI HQ personnel chastised the Minneapolis agents for making the direct notification without their approval," she wrote in the 13-page letter, excerpts of which were obtained by the Associated Press.



FBI Slowed Moussaoui Probe, Field Office Says
Washington Post, 5/27/02

Rowley said Minneapolis investigators had significant evidence of Moussaoui's ties to terrorists, including corroboration from a foreign source that Moussaoui was dangerous, sources said.

But agent Dave Rapp and other investigators still faces resistance from headquarters staff, who determined that investigators did not have enough evidence to even ask a judge for warrants to search Moussaoui's computer under routine criminal procedures or a special law aimed at terrorists, Rowley said in the letter.


More than a month before Moussaoui was arrested on immigration charges, Phoenix FBI agent Kenneth Williams wrote the July 10 memo to FBI headquarters outlining his investigation of Islamic radicals enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescot, Ariz. He cited bin Laden by name and raised the possibility that his terror network was using U.S. flight schools as a training ground.

Williams' suggestion that the FBI canvass U.S. flight schools was rejected within weeks by mid-level managers {sic} in the FBI's counter-terror division, who decided they lacked the manpower to pursue it. The memo was not shared with agents investigating Moussaoui after he was arrested Aug. 16 and was never given to any other intelligence agency {sic}.


FBI official: Top brass held back own agents
Seattle Times, 5/24/02

{Rowley} complained that FBI officials in Washington had changed the warrant request so that it would be more easily rejected by the FBI office that handles such requests.



French expand on Moussaoui's travel, likely role
Seattle Times, 7/28/02

The comments by the French officials are significant because they go beyond what had been disclosed about Moussaoui's ties to al-Qaida. One French official also said the French told U.S. authorities in late August that Moussaoui, arrested Aug. 16 while in flight training in Minneapolis, was a member of al-Qaida.



A Second Attack Planned
French Authorities: Moussaoui Plotted Another Series of Attacks

ABC News, 9/5/02

One year ago today, in Paris, FBI and CIA agents got a full briefing on Moussaoui's terror background from their counterparts at the French Ministry of the Interior in Paris.

In his first interview on the subject, former French Interior Minister Daniel Vaillant told ABCNEWS the French gave the Americans a complete dossier on Mousaoui.

"We did not hold back any information," said Vaillant. "This is the essential point I want to communicate to you. There was nothing held back."

The French say they told the United States they had tracked Moussaoui for years, from his student days in London to his time in Osama bin Laden training camps in Afghanistan to his membership in an Algerian terror group that had planned to fly a hijacked Air France jet into the Eiffel Tower in 1994.

The FBI acknowledges there was a meeting but denies it received any such specific information at that time. Later, the information showed up in the Justice Department indictment of Moussaoui as conspirator of the Sept. 11 attacks, for which he faces the death penalty.



French Suspect Moussaoui in Post-9/11 Plot
NY Times, 7/28/02

Under federal law, the bureau would have been required to show that Mr. Moussaoui was tied to a specific terrorist group to obtaina warrant for the search. Bureau agents in Minnesota have said they thought the French information was sufficient for the warrant, and they have criticized their superiors at the bureau's headquarters for blocking their efforts to obtain it.

When agents search Mr. Moussaoui's belongings after Sept. 11, they found videotapes on flying two types of 747 aircraft and data on crop-dusting. They also found the telephone numer in Hamburg, Germany, for a roommate of Mohamed Atta, who is thought to have been the ringleader in the Sept. 11 plot, information that might have pointed them toward some of the hijackers.

In interviews this week, the French officials said their inquiries showed that Mr. Moussaoui had close ties with Al Qaeda and that elements of the network that helped the Sept. 11 hijackers probably supported him.



F.B.I. Agent Says Superior Altered Report, Foiling Inquiry
NY Times, 5/24/02

WASHINGTON, May 24 - A senior F.B.I. agent in Minneapolis has accused a supervisor at the agency's Washington headquarters of altering a report in a way that made it impossible for investigators to obtain crucial evidence in the case of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, before the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, government officials said today.


Officials who have seen Ms. Rowley's letter say it accuses the supervisor of altering the application to play down the significance of information provided by French intelligence officials about Moussaoui's links to Islamic extremists.



Agent's Role in Inquiries is Questioned
NY Times, 5/25/02

WASHINGTON, May 25 - A bipartisan broup of senators has demanded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation explain why a senior agent who had access to two important strands of counterterrorism information never put the information together {allegedly} in a way that might have helped thwart the Sept. 11 attacks.


"This was worse than dropping the ball. This was bureaucrats at headquarters actively interfering with an investigation that had a terrorist in hand."


Government officials said today that Kenneth Williams, the Phoenix F.B.I. agent who had warned about the flight schools in a July 10 memorandum, had sent the memorandum directly to the attention of Mr. Frasca. Mr. Frasca was also the liaison in Washington for the Minnesota field office' requests about Mr. Moussaoui.



Agent shared concerns with CIA
FBI's suspicion about flight students was no 'hunch,' sources say

San Jose Mercury News, 5/23/02

WASHINGTON - A Phoenix FBI agent who wrote a memo last year warning about suspicious Middle Easterners at flight schools had developed detailed information before Sept. 11 linking Arizona students to Osama bin Laden and to a radical British Islamist group, and shared some of this concerns with the CIA, law enforcement sources said Wednesday.


His review also determined that one of the Arizona flight-school students appeared to have communicated through an intermediary with one of bin Laden's top aides -- Abu Zubeida -- and that several of the students under suspicion had links to a radical group called Al-Muhajiroun. The Britain-based group is dedicated to the establishment of a global Islamic state and has vocally supported bin Laden and other terrorists.


Administration officials say they had no tangible warnings that could hve led them to predict that an attack was imminent ...

But the new details suggest for the first time that the CIA may have had advance knowledge of some of the suspicions generated from Arizona. The details also appear at odds with authorities' contention that Williams was only pursuing "a hunch" -- not actual evidence -- in warning about the risk of flight schools.

"This was not a vague hunch," according to a congressional source familiar with a classified briefing that Williams gave to lawmakers. "He was doing a case on these guys. He put in all the history about this pattern of radical Muslims and Osama links to Arizona. He talked about fatwas targeting U.S. airports. He noted that one guy was asking about airport security -- that's specific information, not guesswork."



F.B.I. Was Warned It could Not Meet Terrorism Threat
NY Times, 6/1/02

WASHINGTON, May 31 - A top secret report warned top officials of the F.B.I. in the months before Sept. 11 that the bureau faces significant terrorist threats from Middle Eastern Groups like Al Qaeda but lacked enough resources to meet the threat, senior government officials said.

The internal assessment, one of the bureau's most closely held documents, found virtually every major F.B.I. field office undermanned in evaluating and dealing witht eh threat posed by groups like Al Qaeda, the officials said.

The document, called the Director's Report on Terrorism, provided detailed recommendations and proposed spending increases to address the problem, officials who have seen it said.

Despite this assessment, the bureau failed to win an increase in the Justice Department spending request submitted shortly before the Sept. 11 attacks. On Sept. 10, Attorney General John Ashcroft rejected a proposed $58 million increase in financing for the bureau's counterterrorism programs. But a Justice Department official said today that the director's report was not provided to Mr. Ashcroft's budget staff {sic}.


Meanwhile, officials said that after the Bush administration came into office, top Justice Department officials did not initially see the urgent need to upgrade counterterrorism. In August, officials said, the bureau's acting director, Tom Pickard, met with Mr. Ashcroft on a supplemental financing request for counterterrorism, but was turned down.


... and then there's that "couldn't imagine 'planes as missiles'" lie that Rice (et al) drug out after info about the 8/6 Crawford briefing came to light. See the following stories for *proof* that their statements were absolute, bald-faced lies. These stories concern the G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, on July 20-22 of 2001. This was less than three weeks before the Crawford Briefing :


Italy: Bush Targeted at G8
Newsday, 9/19/01

Rome - A possible assassination attempt on President {sic} George W. Bush - using a commercial plane - was uncovered by Italy's secret services at July's Group of Eight summit, Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini said yesterday.

Fini, interviewed for a television program, said Italian forces shut down airspace above Genoa and positioned surface-to-air missiles at the airport.



Plot to assassinate Bush - reports
CNN, 7/9/01

Osama bin Laden has threatened to assassinate U.S. President {sic} George W. Bush at the G8 summit meeting in Italy, the head of Russia's Federal Bodyguard Service has said, according to reports.

The Associated Press said Yevgeny Murov was quoted by Itar-Tass news agency as saying: "Bin Laden is threatening the American president {sic}, but we know what international terrorism is today and therefore all the bodyguard units concerned are preparing for this.

"We view the threats as totally serious, but hope that with joint efforts we can solve all the problems."

The Group of Eight summit is meeting between July 20-22 in Genoa, Italy. ...

Murov -- Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief bodyguard -- did not elaborate on the threats. He said agents from Russia's Federal Body guard Service had travelled to Genoa to coordinate with their counyerparts from the other nations taking part in the summit to investigate the threats.



Genoa braces for G8 summit
CNN, 7/18/01

The Italian authorities' security measures also include the positioning of surface-to-air missiles at Genoa's Christopher Columbus airport. Dubbed the SPADA, the land-based system consists of missiles capable of a range of 15 kilometres (9.3 miles).

The ministry said the decision to install the missiles is not excessive.

"There's no excessive precaution," military spokesman Alberto Battaglini told Reuters. "The measure ... is merely to act as a deterrent against any aerial incursion during the summit."


The official G8 Summit Web site said it was not so much violence by the demonstraters that they feared most, but "the possibility of a terrorist attack."

The head of Russia's Federal Bodyguard Service has warned of a plot by terrorist Osama bin Laden to assassinate George W. Bush at the summit and the U.S. President {sic} may be staying at U.S. Camp Darby military base in Livorno or offshore on the American aircraft carrier USS Enterprise to avoid any terrorist risk.

The other leaders of the world's most industrialized nations -- the U.S., Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, plus Russia -- are also staying offshore on a luxury cruise liner, the "European Vision," chartered by the Italian government at a reported cost of $2.89 million.



... and then there's this :


The Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers
Newsweek, 9/16/02

NEWSWEEK has learned that one of the bureau's informants had a close relationship with two of the hijackers: he was their roommate.




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cyberpj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 09:56 AM
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31. Bremer's 100 Orders - Illegal Orders give the US a Lock on Iraq's Economy
In the last hours of his reign over Iraq via the Coalition Provisional Authority, Paul Bremer enacted 100 orders which ensure that the Iraqi Government has no authority to determine the direction of the Iraqi economy, and guarantees that US companies have virtually unrestricted access to do business in Iraq. These orders guarantee that Iraq will “transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy,” privatizing all state-owned businesses, allowing for 100 percent foreign ownership, and allowing 100 percent of the profits earned to be taken out of Iraq by the foreign investors. Tax caps and trade surcharges are being held remarkably low, and foreign contractors have been given immunity from all Iraqi laws. By enacting these laws, the U.S. Government has managed to maintain nearly full control over Iraq’s Government, its economy, and all of its resources.


The Hand-Over That Wasn't: Illegal Orders give the US a Lock on Iraq's Economy
by Antonia Juhasz

Officially, the U.S. occupation of Iraq ended on June 28, 2004. But in reality, the United States is still in charge: Not only do 138,000 troops remain to control the streets, but the "100 Orders" of L. Paul Bremer III remain to control the economy.

These little noticed orders enacted by Bremer, the now-departed head of the now-defunct Coalition Provisional Authority, go to the heart of Bush administration plans in Iraq. They lock in sweeping advantages to American firms, ensuring long-term U.S. economic advantage while guaranteeing few, if any, benefits to the Iraqi people.

The Bremer orders control every aspect of Iraqi life — from the use of car horns to the privatization of state-owned enterprises. Order No. 39 alone does no less than "transition from a … centrally planned economy to a market economy" virtually overnight and by U.S. fiat.

Although many thought that the "end" of the occupation would also mean the end of the orders, on his last day in Iraq Bremer simply transferred authority for the orders to Prime Minister Iyad Allawi — a 30-year exile with close ties to the CIA and British intelligence.

Further, the interim constitution of Iraq, written by the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, solidifies the orders by making them virtually impossible to overturn.
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