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American Humanist Association to Support Tsunami Disaster Relief Efforts

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:20 PM
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American Humanist Association to Support Tsunami Disaster Relief Efforts
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 11:04:57 -0800 (PST) <02:04:57 PM EST>
Subject: AHA Action Alert Humanists Support Tsunami Disaster Relief Efforts

Humanists Support Tsunami Disaster Relief Efforts

We at the American Humanist Association have received an outpouring of
interest from our membership to provide a method for individuals to give as Humanists to the tsunami relief efforts. In response to this call for action, we have partnered with the Atheist Centre in India through our international body, the International Humanist and Ethical Union.

The Atheist Centre manages Arthik Samata Mandal, an established disaster relief organization that has been active since 1977. This organization already has the required Indian Government approval to receive overseas aid funds, which it will use to address both short-term rehabilitation and long-term reconstruction needs of tsunami victims.

Programs are being designed in cooperation with the affected communities aimed at addressing health, food security, habitat, and livelihood needs. In the longer term, the Centre will work toward reconstruction and reduction of vulnerability.

Tens of thousands perished in the tsunami and even more are at imminent risk of disease. And the lives and livelihoods of still more have been shattered.

As Humanists concerned for the wellbeing of all, we wish to express Humanism's compassion for the survivors who have experienced such lost.


The American Humanist Association is making it possible for 100% of your donation to reach our overseas partners--we're absorbing all the various processing and transfer costs. If you wish to participate in this program, you can donate online through the AHA's secure website:

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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. But...but...but --
-- they don't believe in JESUS!
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MindPilot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:28 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. yeah well somebody's gotta pick up after god's dumbass mistakes
I watched network newz a few evenings ago. They did a full eight minutes on what all the churches and faith-based groups are doing and ho much congrants are sacrificing for the tsunami. The message right there on my teevee is only christers are charitable.

I know of a porno site that's giving 10,000!
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saltpoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:32 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. : )
Re the porno site giving 10,000 bucks...

Doesn't it always seem like the warmest, most humane person in a lot of films and novels is the whore?

It must really be pissing off Falwell & his ilk that donations to the victims of this tragedy would come from porn merchants.

And I bet it doesn't matter one damn to the survivors where it comes from, as they will be grateful for generosity no matter its source.

Loved your post.
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 10:05 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Which porno site gave $10,000?
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Az Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 03:23 PM
Response to Original message
2. Other humanist groups working too

Tsunami Relief, What you can do to help…
SHARE Launches National and International Fund Drive to Assist Victims of Tsunami
We are deeply distressed by the terrible tragedy caused by the tsunami and earthquake that has befallen countless numbers of innocent victims in countries surrounding the Indian Ocean. Estimates indicate that over 150,000 have been killed.

The Center for Inquiry and its affiliated organizations have launched an initiative to raise charitable funds for the area. Secularists, humanists, rationalists, and skeptics may make their contribution directly through SHARE, the Secular Humanist Aid and Relief Effort, an organization sponsored by the Council for Secular Humanism. This charitable organization, maintained by the Council for over two decades to channel aid to victims of natural disasters, will forward 100% of the funds received to an organization providing direct relief to the victims.

We have decided to concentrate our assistance on Sri Lanka, which has had the largest per-capita loss of any country in the area, with 29,000 confirmed deaths, with tens of thousands still missing or injured, and 1,000,000 homeless. This is a country with only 20 million population. While other countries - namely Indonesia - have suffered higher numbers, their per-capita death-rate is lower.

We have selected Sarvodaya, a charity in Sri Lanka, upon the recommendation of Sir Arthur C. Clarke who resides in that country.

Andrea Szalanski, managing editor of Free Inquiry, emailed Sir Arthur C. Clarke on behalf of the Center for Inquiry, concerned about his welfare and that of his family. His reply follows:

"Thank you for your concern about my safety in the wake of last Sunday's devastating tidal wave.

I am enormously relieved that my family and household have escaped the ravages of the sea that suddenly invaded most parts of coastal Sri Lanka, leaving a trail of destruction.

But many others were not so fortunate. For over two million Sri Lankans and a large number of foreign tourists holidaying here, the day after Christmas turned out to be a living nightmare reminiscent of The Day After Tomorrow. My heart-felt sympathy goes out to all those who lost family members or friends.

This is indeed a disaster of unprecedented magnitude for Sri Lanka, which lacks the resources and capacity to cope with the aftermath. We are encouraging concerned friends to contribute to the relief efforts launched by various national and international organizations. If you wish to join these efforts, I can recommend... supporting Sarvodaya, the largest development charity in Sri Lanka, which has a 45-year track record in reaching out and helping the poorest of the poor. Sarvodaya has mounted a well organized, countrywide relief effort using their countrywide network of offices and volunteers who work in all parts of the country, well above ethnic and other divisions. Their Web site,, provides bank account details for financial donations. They also welcome contributions in kind -- a list of urgently needed items is found at:

There is much to be done in both short and long term for Sri Lanka to raise its head from this blow from the seas. Among other things, the country needs to improve its technical and communications facilities so that effective early warnings can help minimize losses in future disasters."

The address of SHARE is PO Box 664, Amherst, NY 14226, or you may make your contribution to SHARE directly by clicking here. If you wish to make contributions to other countries, SHARE will designate these funds to CARE or Oxfam. All funds channeled through SHARE are tax exempt in the United States.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Kurtz
Chairman, Center for Inquiry - Transnational

David Koepsell
Executive Director, Council for Secular Humanism Barry Karr
Executive Director, CSICOP
Andrea Szalanski
Managing Editor, Free Inquiry Andrew Skolnick
Executive Director, Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health
DJ Grothe
Director, CFI - On Campus Jonathan Kurtz
Vice President for Marketing, Prometheus Books

Ben Radford
Managing Editor, Skeptical Inquirer

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