NEW YORK – A former FBI agent admitted that he gave online stock traders confidential details of federal investigations, including a probe of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
One of the recipients was San Diego stock speculator Anthony Elgindy. A Justice Department task force had begun the investigation of Elgindy to determine whether anyone might have known of the terrorists' plans and profited by selling vulnerable stocks just before the attacks, Jeffrey Royer said.
Elgindy was not charged in connection with that probe, but an investigation into the ties between Elgindy and Royer led to charges against the two men of racketeering, securities fraud and other crimes. The two are on trial together in federal court in Brooklyn.
Taking the stand Monday in his defense, Royer acknowledged he had revealed the existence of FBI and SEC investigations, executives' criminal records and other sensitive information to Elgindy and associate Derrick Cleveland.