The Powers That Be must be getting tired of shelling out millions of dollars, and 24/7 effort, to prop up what they must know to be the least competent man that ever occupied the Oval Office. Time and time and time again, they are having to scramble their media armies into damage-control mode to cover for the Poorly Chosen One's latest screw-up.
Now the boy with demonstrated emotional problems and obvious cognitive impairment is reaching the apex of national embarrassment by crawling on hand and knee before the UN and begging these "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" and "chocolate makers" for their help in extricating his ass, yet again, from the fire. This is not sitting well with even their most ardent supporters.
In the meantime, the opposition party has at least eight viable candidates with drive, experience, plans, and demonstrated BRAINS. They are showing that they are not afraid to criticize this dubious administration as a "miserable failure". They are showing that they are not afraid to openly declare that the chosen emperor of the Powers That Be has not a stitch of clothing on.
The Republicans are looking at the very strong possibility of a Howard Dean / Wesley Clark ticket running against what could be the dumbest man that ever lived, and a sneering man with a life-threatening heart problem who most people haven't even SEEN since September, 2001. And even if the Republicans do think they can steal the election, couldn't they find a better team for whom to steal it?
At what point do they see Bush as a liability? Or do they? And if they do, what will they do with him?