Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 11:32 PM by keischin
Joe Scarborough has officially gone off the deep end of the tsunami. Tomorrow MSNBC will be broadcasting a feature entitled "The Sodom and Gomorrah" Theory as to why the tsunami 9 earthquake occured. Every day he has had religious figures including Pat Robertson and even atheists debating why the tsunami occured and what it means.
Here is my "God"-oriented theory as to why the tsunami occured:
The BFEE is on the verge of subverting democracy in the United States. The evil plan of the neocons has begun to take root in Iraq, the "Americanization" of the Middle East and the rest of the world where monopolistic big business is allowed to thrive and common people are pacified by a democracy where they are led to believe that they are having an effect on government. The powerful, wealthy, and those with royal background are ensured of continued riches and power, while the Saudi royals are offered an escape plan and a means of laundering their way to unholy cleaniness. Meanwhile, God makes it clear that it is the common people and the poor, at least those who can survive, who are most important in time of need and who need our continuing assistance.
(sorry, maybe too much red wine)