Edited on Thu Jan-06-05 01:25 AM by linazelle
Swing voters.
For years the CONS have worked hard to reach the point where they could have elections that hinged upon swing votes. With blacks out of their way in the past election, the CONS narrowed the debate to the "real undecideds"--a mere 3 to 5% of undecided voters make the difference they claimed. They were right, because they successfully waged a decade long war to disenfranchise the real swing voters--blacks and the CONS have innoculated people so that they don't care about black disenfranchisement.
Rush Limbaugh, who swears he's not racist, scoffed at the significance of the black vote over a decade ago. They are "only 13%" of the population (IOW, they don't matter) he told his listeners. Any body with half a brain who heard him say that should be wondering how, if 5% makes such a huge difference why 13% wouldn't make even more of a difference. But, the masters of propoganda have lobotomized their "base" so there's no chance they will consider this foolish notion.
The thing was and is, black votes matter. A lot. Just like trial lawyers and taxes and all the other things they wage war upon that protect the people of this country. (The other thing is, anytime Limbaugh says something doesn't matter, i.e. genetically engineered foods, it does matter--a lot--but that's another story.)
It really hit me today as I listened to AAR on the eve of the Congressional Black Caucus' attempt to overturn the last election just how racist and vile these people are. I find myself hating them and I struggle not to hate the people I work with who listen to RW Radio and support the RW Agenda--like the otherwise nice guy who told me at work yesterday Wisconsin's teacher's union is too strong and too many of his tax dollars go to public education. Who gets a public education? Most blacks do that's for sure.
Jeneane Garrafolo tonight asked a great question. If you look back at the people who participated in lynchings and racist activities would you think most of them were liberal or republican? 'Nuff said.
I wish I could be more hopeful and positive about this country's future, and our place in it. But the way it looks, we are headed back to the Jim Crow era.