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Does anyone know offhand who originated the Bushist case against ICC?

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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 03:42 AM
Original message
Does anyone know offhand who originated the Bushist case against ICC?
(The International Criminal Court.) It wasn't Gonzales, was it? Or was this a PNAC project dating from the 1990s?
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neweurope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 04:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. PNAC evidently.
Just the first two hits Google came up with:

International Criminal Court (ICC)
The following reasoning were advanced by PNAC for US opposition to ICC which may have
influenced the Bush Administration’s decision to reject the UN Statute establishing the Court in 1992:
• Nuremberg Analogy: Restating the history of Nuremberg trial, even in summary fashion,
demonstrates the unique circumstances that permitted the successful prosecution of war
crimes at Nuremberg: it also explains why the ICC is almost certain to fail;
• Deterrence and the Court: ICC’s authority is likely to be far too attenuated to make a
difference either to the potential perpetrators of crimes against humanity or to the outside
• Question of Jurisdiction: A key problem for Americans is that there is insufficient clarity or
agreement over the substantive jurisdiction of the Court. The American negotiating position
on the ICC concentrate on the risks perceived by the Pentagon to American peacekeepers
stationed around the world; and
• Issue of Sovereignty: Europeans may feel comfortable with such a system, but the US
should never consciously accept such an approach. The Statute of Rome is, in fact, a
stealth approach to eroding constitutionalism. Americans should find this unacceptable

The bent ("philosophy" would convey undeserved dignity) of the PNAC in opposition to multi-national solution of world problems has been expressed eloquently by Gary Schmitt in his Jan. 2, 2001, memo on the International Criminal Court: "As we argued then, (more than two years ago), whatever the respectable motives behind the creation of the ICC, we should not let those blind us to the fact that the preservation of a decent world order depends chiefly on the exercise of American leadership."
Gary Schmitt - executive director of the Project for the New American Century.


Remember Fallujah!

Bush to The Hague
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BurtWorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 05:04 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. "a decent world order depends chiefly on the exercise of US leadership"
"We want the world order to be decent, but to get it there, the US must have carte blanche to be as indecent as it wants to be."

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