Edited on Sun Sep-07-03 12:11 PM by TacticalPeak
Timmie asked Powell about finding WMD, and the HN answered like "there is no doubt WMD exist, existed and blahblah". Now he probably said "exist" in error and was correcting it by saying "existed" next, but it also could read like he was conjugating with that verb for a standard rhetorical effect.
This quandry would not exist if the Mother of All Media Whores had simply followed up with a basic and obvious question, "Did you mean to say that WMD exist?". I've no doubt that almost any local news reporter would ask that obvious question because they would be listening to Powell's answer and see the need for clarification about an important issue.
It's possible that Timmie didn't even hear Powell because after he puts a question, he is often off-camera looking at his notes for the next question choice, and knows Powell is just reeling off the standard, boilerplate talking points expected. Similarly, when on MTP Cheney said he believed Iraq had reconstituted it's nuclear weapons, Timmie went blithely on to the next question instead of asking the obvious "Do you mean actual nuclear weapons or weapons programs?".
Both Timmie and Wolfie have this same, very unprofessional incompetence when it comes to interviewing important guests about important issues and they show their inability to suffer the yakyak in their earpiece, fumble their notes, and still listen to and intelligently respond to the guest's answer.
Personally, of course, I am convinced they don't hold these apologists accountable with germane followups because they seek to not offend the powerful; but aside from their jackbootlicking, just their amateurish, freshman journalist interviewing abilities are appalling, and, in their positions, disgusting.
edtd: tipoo