I know the disgusting little idiot likes to run around yelling "want to see my political capital---want me to show you how big it is"??? I believe that his little Republican buddies in Congress and his (unfortuntely) Democratic ones better take a realistic look before they start "supporting the President" in his assault on Middle Class Americans.
The wingers that put this nut job into office did not do so because they really, really wanted him to 'fix' our economy, social security, medicare, health system, etc. Their agenda was much more basic: outlaw abortion, outlaw gays, rob the taxpayer to feed their 'faith based' rip offs, and pass a constitutional amendment that says the gun slingers can kill you if you don't wear a cross around your neck!! The church lady might get the vapors if a gay sits down next to her in church but she's going to pitch a real fit if her social security is screwed with!!
I would suggest that these Congressmen wise up or they could be facing an angry mob when it comes time for their next campaign. They better learn to read the tea leaves and not let Bush do the interpreting. I wonder if the wingers note that all the issues upon which they elected Bush are not even mentioned by him or put on a way back burner while he rushes to do the hatchet job on Americans which was the ONLY agenda he and his corporate greed hounds ever had on their minds?? I wonder what it feels like to be a total sucker???--and that's why the Congressmen better tread lightly.