If this is duped anywhere, my apologies. But this is the editorial that Rep. Tubbs Jones said spurred her on to mount the challenge to Ohio's results today.
The editorial is blatantly condescending, elitist, and insulting. It is very short, but here are some excerpts that give you reasons why why this is a battle worth fighting:
"Memo to Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and the Rev. Jesse Jackson: The election horse is dead. You can stop beating it now." <<snip>>
<snip> "Americans treasure the right to be loudly mistaken -- a right you now freely exercise. But for two national figures whose constituencies are among the poorest of the poor, it seems an embarrassing waste of energies sorely needed elsewhere. Fold your mildewed tents, collect your soggy cardboard and focus on the poverty, single-parenthood and dropout rates that have so impoverished those in whose names you protest too much. Good causes await your serious advocacy. And what you are doing now isn't serious." <<snip>>
If you're interested, read the rest here: