THEN:Prior to the invasion, every intell agency around the world reported the same thing; NO TIES between Iraq and al Qaeda (or any other international terrorist organization), and that Al Tawhid (Zarqawi's Palestinian group) and al Qaeda had no ties to each other and were in fact opponents.
Three times, the US military told bush they had a clear window of opportunity to hit al Zarqawi's camp in the US-controlled northern Kurdistan; and three times bush said no, it would weaken his case for invasion if Zarqawi was eliminated.
NOW:Every intell agency still says there were never any ties between Hussein and al Qaeda, or any other international terrorist organization, and that in fact OBL hated Hussein and is pleased the US got rid of one of his enemies. Both 911 commissions determined there were no ties between Hussein and al Qaeda.
BUT:Two years after the launch of bush's illegal war of aggression on Iraq, al Qaeda has decided to give public support to Zarqawi, calling on the Iraqi people to follow Zarqawi. (If any of them can actually find the man (or his leg) that apparently no one has ever seen)
And the rightwingnuttery are shrilling
"SEE!!!!! Iraq has ties to al Qaeda!!!!! BUSH WAS RIGHT BUSH WAS RIGHT!!!"Scarborough, bottom area of page;
"So, let‘s talk about what happened this past week, where there was actually a connection, yes, a connection between Iraq and al Qaeda, where you have Osama bin Laden tapping Zarqawi.
That was buried on page nine of “The New York Times,” when they have been crowing for a year and a half that there‘s no connection between al Qaeda and Iraq. Was that—do they do it on purpose? Do you believe they did it because it went against the story that they have been telling Americans for almost two years now?" :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
From the BEGINNING OF HISTORY until LAST WEEK, there were NO TIES between Iraq and al Qaeda...LAST WEEK al Qaeda decided to support Zarqawi...a PALESTINIAN...and the rightwingnuts now screech about Hussein being tied to al Qaeda and how the "liberal media" LIED THE PAST TWO YEARS when they'd said there were no ties.:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
I actually OVERESTIMATED the INTELLIGENCE of the rightwingnuts. I gave them TOO MUCH CREDIT for intelligence! I hadn't known that was possible to do! I hadn't even thought about the right trying to make any such claims, and if I had thought about it, I would have said EVEN THEY wouldn't be STUPID ENOUGH to claim exactly what they are now claiming.
Well then, here's some more incredible stupidity for you, rightwingnuts; use it and rejoice, and rest assured I won't take any credit for it away from you;BUSH HAS HIRED COLUMBIAN PARAMILITARIES, WHO ARE LISTED AS TERRORISTS ON THE US GOV WEBSITE.