Edited on Thu Jan-06-05 05:04 PM by SemperEadem
it seems that the big mistake which both the NYT and faux has made has been having too little regard on the fallout to their shoddy reporting. Granted, for their hard core viewers, nothing can save them from themselves and their own stupidity... they live in a world of their own creation and can't tolerate anyone telling them that it is not all "Andy Hardy" like they want it to be.
faux's viewers want to remain lulled in a stupor of the 1950's where imagined, made-up boogeymen--such as the Soviet Union--still exist. It's a new decade in need of a new fear instigator for them--they love being scared and believing "superman" is going to come save the day. That's how children and the immature view life, not adults.
What these 'infotainment' agencies have done will, in the long run, expose their utter lack of integrity and principle. They've shown a spotlight onto DU--and the fact that we're currently at level 4 tells me that there are large numbers of people out there who are intrigued enough to pop over here to find that 'voice of reason in the wilderness' really does exist and they aren't alone.
They can read for themselves that we are no more a bastion of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists as we are true Americans dedicated to the Democratic and progressive principles of this country and for this country.
I believe that it is a godsend for DU to have had the exposure--reasonable, rational, thinking adults capable of drawing their own conclusions can meet and have intelligent discussion here; ideas can flourish and strategies can be implimented. The dems might be on the mat right now, but we're not going to be staying down here forever. Everything is allowed a season, and then it dies off. That includes the conservatives who believe they are 'in charge' right now. Their power is ebbing away from them even as we speak... and they are afraid of it, and in that fear is where they will make their gravest miscalculations--to our advantage.