Edited on Thu Jan-06-05 05:20 PM by kamqute
It may be true that the only statement that the outcome may have been different was that of Maxine Waters, that the only stated number of any value was that of Dennis Kucinich, that the only reference to computer irregularities was that of Cynthia McKinney, and that the only reference to exit polls was that of Bobby Scott, who voted AGAINST the objection, but I can forgive all of that because they had to present a credible enough face as not to be DESTROYED or ignored, and because, ultimately, talk is cheap. The following members of the house voted for the objection:
Brown, Corrine Carson Clay Clyburn Conyers Davis (IL) Evans Farr Filner Grijalva Hastings (FL) Hinchey Jackson (IL) Jackson-Lee (TX) Johnson, E. B. Jones (OH) Kilpatrick (MI) Kucinich Lee Lewis (GA) Markey McKinney Olver Owens Pallone Payne Schakowsky Thompson (MS) Waters Watson Woolsey
'tis a sad day, but one thing we have to realize is that we did better this time than last, and amid a better-executed scam. Slowly, inexorably, we are winning.