(Yes I am crosposting from the 2004 election board)
Ok, ok so some are pissed becuase you hoped this woudl overturn the election. The only way it could have happened is if we contested the votes in Mew Mexico, Florida, OH, Nevada, aka all the places were we know there are serious problems... for those of you who don't know what this means, read the Thylden - Hayes decision.
Now the big picture is that today we got a debate on both chambers about our broken electoral system.
The big picture is that this is but one battle in a war to reclaim the country
The big picture is that this can be our waterloo if people are so dammed pissed they do not realize this and drop out.
The big picture is that this was a Rosa Parks Moment.
The big picture is that this is, if we choose to grab the moment, the begining of a movement, not the end.
The big picture is that this is going to take YEARS.
The big picture is that we need to do this from the grass roots
The big picture is that this is up to us, and it has always been up to us.
Some things you can do.
RUN, yes RUN, for local Democratic Party Office.
GO to the meetings.
Run for local office.
Work at the grassroots.
WEAR ORANGE from now on, in some way, shape or form and FRAME orange as CLEAN ELECTIONS, in the winter go for Red Gloves.
Be the media.
Your other option is to continue to seat behind yoru computer screen and get pissed off and write how pissed off you are... and continue to bitch and moan. Democracy is still alive, in this country, today she was given some Epinephrine... but she is barely fighting, and I may add, this is not a spectator sport.
One more thing... how much are you willing to sacrifice for this fight? Your future, your life?
We are stepping in line with those patriots at Concord, as well as those patriots at Selma... we are trying to fill HUGE shoes... but we are those patriots, and it is time we retake the country, step by step, by step... but bitching and moaning will not help. Or for that matter having unrealistic expectations, or asking the impossible from people, and someday you may understand why most democrats did not stand up today... as is the consequences for California and Tubbs district will be felt and will be hard. Yet this is the price we all pay for Democracy.
My advise for both Boxer and Tubbs, from now on, avoid small planes...