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The Madness of George Bush: Reflection of Collective Psychosis

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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 08:37 PM
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The Madness of George Bush: Reflection of Collective Psychosis

4 paragraph excerpt:

One good thing I can say about President Bush is that he's gotten me interested in politics. Before he came to office, I was mainly interested in spiritual matters, and considered politics a "distraction." There was something playing out through George W. Bush as president...a deep underlying incongruity, as if some unfinished psychological process was unconsciously enacting itself through him. The problem with this was that because of his position as president, his unconscious was playing itself out and being dramatized on the world stage, where it was negatively affecting the lives of billions of people.

The truth now needs to be uttered. George W. Bush is ill. He has a psycho-spiritual dis-ease of the soul, a sickness that is endemic to our culture and symptomatic of the times we live in. It’s an illness that has been with us since time immemorial. Because it’s an illness that's in the soul of all of humanity, it pervades the field and is in all of us in potential at any moment, which makes it especially hard to diagnose.

In much the same way that a child's psychology cannot be understood without looking at the family system he or she is a part of, George Bush does not exist in isolation. We can view Bush and his entire Administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft, Powell, Wolfowitz, etc), as well as the corporate, military industrial complex that they are co-dependently enmeshed with, the media that they control, the voters that support them, and ourselves as well, as interconnected parts of a whole system, or a "field." Instead of relating to any part of this field as an isolated entity, it’s important to contemplate the entire interdependent field as the "medium" though which malignant egophrenia manifests and propagates itself.

At the root of Bush's pathology is a deep dissociation. Like the terrorists, he has split-off from his own darker half, projecting the shadow "out there," ...By projecting the shadow, Bush is unwittingly being a conduit for the deepest, archetypal evil to possess him from behind, beneath his conscious awareness, and to act itself out through him. At the same time, ironically enough, he identifies with the light and imagines that he is divinely inspired. He then believes that any action he desires is justified in the name of God, as he can rationalize it as being God's will. Unable to self-reflect, he is convinced of the rightness of his viewpoint, which he considers non-negotiable. This is a very dangerous situation, as Bush has become unconsciously identified with and possessed by the hero, or savior archetype. This figure is religious in nature, as it derives from the transpersonal, archetypal dimension of the collective unconscious. Being inflated with the hero archetype, he (archetypically) wants to save the world from evil and to liberate the planet.

the full article, along with a series of articles on the Bush phenomena, are available at:
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DELUSIONAL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 08:46 PM
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1. of couse he is a sick fuck from a sick family
I just posted the following comment on another thread:

bushie's aim has been to show up his daddy -- bushie junior was elected as Gov. of Texas -- where his daddy failed. And now bushie has his second "term" in the white house -- where his daddy failed.

This is a sick fuck family -- and they are trying to make the whole world as sick as they are.
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Must_B_Free Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 09:09 PM
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2. "The Day of the Dove"
Edited on Thu Jan-06-05 09:34 PM by Must_B_Free
Maybe the disease is a psychic creature as Roddenberry suggested in the Star Trek episode "the day of the dove".

The enterprise crew and the klingon crew had to recognize that they were trapped in a self feeding endless cycle of voilence. In the end it was laughter, friendship and warmth that defeated the creature, by depriving it of blood rage off of which to feed.

I'll have to consult with the book "The meaning in Star Trek" - a Jungian analysis of Star Trek's plots.

I wonder if Roddenberry was even the writer of that episode? It just occurred to me that he had other writers.

The writer was Jerome Bixby; here is a synposis

Here is the book reference. The author is Karen Blair
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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 09:17 PM
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3. Psych profile+fascism receptivity+Lakoff's family framing concept links.

Psych profile+fascism receptivity+Lakoff's family framing concept links.

This is entirely predictable. Bush* suffers from severe mental illness as has been well documented. We're experiencing Columbine High School on a global level.

Georgie was abused by his mother, shadowed by his father, shamed for mourning his sister's death and belittled in general. He became a self-destructive alcoholic with a cruel streak.,12271,1033904,00.html

(So George, How Do You Feel About Your Mom and Dad?)

His 'authoritarian personality' matches what researchers discovered to be a marker for 'fascism receptivity' when the phenomenon was researched after WWII.
(The F-factor questionnaire)

More recently, researchers have analyzed the components of the conservative personality. Their findings point to the fear-based tendencies that are similar in fundamentalist religious views and fascism receptivity, again the 'authoritarian personality.'

(What Makes Up a Conservative Personality)

This family experience modeling sets us up for how we view all our relationships at work and in government, too. Linguist George Lakoff explains how this 'framing' is used in political language and propaganda.
(Lakoff Explains Framing as Key to Thinking)
(Lakoff Explains Gender Language in Promoting War)

Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides
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Acryliccalico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 09:18 PM
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4. He is truly a Sick person
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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 10:21 PM
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5. Thanks for this thought article
I haven't read it all yet but will take my time and do so, much to look at and think about there.

I'm curious... how did you happen to come across this article?
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