We need to write the sponsors of far right networks and shows, and let them know we won't be buying their products as long as they support programming that calls half the citizens of the United States traitors.
It works.
Sinclair Broadcasting backed down from showing an anti-Kerry documentary shortly before the election after their sponsors were contacted.
Now Staples, a major advertiser for Sinclair said they will withdraw their ads (and later claimed it wasn't for political reasons).
If you could send a letter or two a week to sponsors, it will make a difference. Part of why the mainstream press is so timid is precisely from this kind of campaign waged against them from the right. There are more of us, and our letters won't be in crayon.
The two biggest and best organized campaigns are against Sinclair Broadcasting and Hannity and O'Reilly on ABC radio.
You have to let these people know that democracy matters to us. If we don't, we'll deserve what they do to us.