Today, during his confirmation hearing, Gonzales said he would push for a National ID Card.
To prevent falsification and tampering, Gonzales said, "The ID card will have a corresponding microchip and black bar-code tattoo on each person's right hand. An invisible fluorescent bar-code will tattooed on their forehead."
Electronic ID, microchipping, the mark of the beast - some possible explanations
The barcode to the right appears to have 666 in it - but don't be fooled - the mark of the beast (Revelation 13 tells us) will be 'in' not 'on' the right hand, and 'in' not 'on' the forehead - therefore almost certainly a microchip implant such as the digital angel - Tony
OK, I just made that up.
But wouldn't it be fun to post on the freeper boards?
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, freeman and slave, to receive a mark on (or in*) his right hand or on (or in*) his forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom, if anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person and it's number is 666." Rev 13:16-18