I believe I'm honestly through with politics or anything to do with our political system.
I remember once years ago, when I was a little kid and I asked my dad who he was voting for. He said, "Son, it doesn't make a difference any more".
It was just after nixon was reelected. I was little and optimistic. Even at that age I thought, my dad looked beaten. I changed that day. I began to read the papers and follow things in washington, voted in mock elections in school, read and kept up to date on the candidates, wrote to my congressman when I thought something was wrong or when they did a good job. I felt involved.
I had hopes for this country. Although, I was only 4 months old when Kennedy was assassinated, I read much about his life and what could have been.
I valued the day I was able to legally vote in my first election. I thought my voted really mattered.
As an adult, I was delighted when Clinton was elected. I felt that hope that I had felt when reading about Kennedy. I believed in the system. We had a productive country again based on forward thought and making a free and equal society.
Then came his second term. I never felt Clinton's personal life should have been an issue, but what appalled me, was the viscous attacks by the republicans. I have seen partisan attacks before, but this was something altogether different.
This was an organized full frontal assault. So, while Clinton should have been running the country, he was swamped in media made controversy.
Looking back, it was all manufactured to set the stage for what we have today.
One by one the republicans knocked down our Democratic domino's. Peeling away our skin and letting the sun back our hides.
After Clinton and the bizarre investigations, came the thrown election of 2000. I protested, wrote letters, complained to my congressman, but for what? Nothing was done or investigated. Gore gave a half hearted try, but rolled over and let the republicans have their way. He tried to rise above, but that concept of not lowering yourself to their level was his undoing. It was then, that the republicans had shown themselves for who they are; people who have no problem with sinking as low as they can to get the result they want. Whine, cheat and steal. Nothing is beneath them.
So like the rest of America, I suffered through the last 4 years, waiting for the 2004 election. Fully confident that the people of this great nation would finally have seen our appointed president for who he is, a thief.
Alas, it was not to happen, because for the last for years, the republicans have been sowing fear and feigned morals into every corner of the nation. They know they can't win with the truth, so they have to constantly keep the nations collective eye off the ball. Just when things would start to come into focus, they would knock us off balance.
So now four years later, he has been reappointed through another sham election. Knowing full well that he could never get reelected with his record.
There was a period of time in this country in the 1830's-40's when all a president elect had to be was a hero from the Indian wars. The vice prez or the secretary of state actually ran things. Here we are again. We don't vote for a prez, the spin masters shove an image down our throats, whether we like the person or not.
With the sham hearings of abu gonzalez and the soon to be prime timed hearings of condi, I haven't had an original thought ever, rice coming soon, I know it will just be another exercise in futility for the democratic party.
Today, I hit the wall. After the "protest" by Boxer. And how * was breezily approved into another term. I just saw the Democratic party for what it is, a paper tiger.
Until people are willing to put their jobs on the line and actually do what they are supposed to do, take a stand for the betterment of this country, we are just going to see more of the same, until all we have is a one party rule.
I'm so depressed about this whole mess. It has just sucked the life out of me and my interest in politics.
Thank you for listening. For the rest of you, fight the good fight. I've had it.
The Democratic Underground is such a wonderful site and forum. Please keep up the good work. You are a voice in a ocean of stupidity.
I believe this will be my last post.