People give the most horrible interpretations to the God's motivation for the Tsunami. I'll just assume there is a God for a moment (after all, I don't know there isn't one), and give you my assessment of what I think he's trying to show our planet.
Mostly, I think it is a message to the United States, the Bush supporters in particular. What it shows us is, that many countries are in need, that would welcome our help. It also demonstrates how cheaply we can help people with various problems, in the Sudan, in Indonesia, in India, compared to how much it costs to bomb the heck out of a country like Iraq, unwelcome, and with no visible exit strategy into the future.
A 450 Billion dollar defense budget (nearly a quarter of the whole budget) and then allocations of over 100 Billion over that to Iraq and Afghanistan. What have we pledged so far to this disaster? Less than one, single billion.
The message from God, if you want to do that moronic kind of thing is simple to me. The cost of helping people peacefully is so much less, but more importantly, the reward from it is new friends, world respect, and less terrorism. But continuing our path of killing for the glory of God, or for Oil, or for Bananas, or for anything else American businesses want, will only eventually bring a man-made destruction to the world.
Now that is a Godly motivation I can accept!