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Good news about Iraq elections

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Cocoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 01:09 PM
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Good news about Iraq elections
Some of the election observers may actually go into Iraq!

Just when you think it can't get more absurd:

Most international experts assessing the fairness of Iraq's elections will monitor the Jan. 30 vote from the safety of neighboring Jordan, but a few observers will head to Baghdad and perhaps other Iraqi cities if security permits, U.N. and other officials said Thursday.
But not to worry. Elections can be observed just as well from another country.

"We believe we can run a very effective operation to assess how well-run the election was even if there are not huge numbers of electoral observers on the ground," said Canada's chief electoral officer, Jean-Pierre Kingsley, who hosted a meeting in Ottawa this week of international election experts to discuss the Iraqi election.

I suggest they don't even bother going to Jordan, really. In fact, why not go on a vacation and watch the whole thing on the news? It's not like the news media will actually be covering it anyway. One way or the other, it will be called "elections" and that's all that matters.

But, wait, it gets better. Here's Kingsley again:

"We have not ruled out going into Iraq or parts of Iraq."
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kcwayne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 01:11 PM
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1. Well, at least the inspectors are not total morons
I wouldn't do that job unless I had a death wish.
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