Edited on Fri Jan-07-05 01:49 PM by IdaBriggs
Hi, folks. I just registered a new website www.wasjesustortured.com and am looking for some help with it, specifically, I am looking for folks to call the different Senators and Representatives to get quotes for it.
The website is not up yet as everything is being set-up and I am working to get it built ASAP. Here is the gist of it --
Was Jesus Tortured? Not according to Attorney General Nominee Gonzalez. (links to the torture memo, NPR story from this morning, etc.) What do you think?
Here's what your elected representatives have to say on the topic: (List of Senators & Representatives with their respective quotes and phone numbers)
I've got a call in to my Representative (Joe Knollenberg), and am about to contact my two Michigan senators for their input. Anyone else willing to call their people, and get quotes for the website? (Ask for the Communication's Director, because these are "on the record" quotes.) Oh, and you can get their contact information from www.senate.gov and www.house.gov if you need it. :)
Thanks! Ida www.wasjesustortured.com