MyDD points out the connection of Tim Roemer, running for the DNC chair and Scaiffe, who funds the Noise Machine. Since Roemer is endorsed supposedly by Reid and Pelosi, our leadership, I have special interest in this. family on board of directors, Roemer a distinguished fellow. needs Adobe reader. people who have Bush's earBob Davis | Wall St Journal
In 2001, the new Bush White House sought suggestions for
what government regulations to kill or modify. A small
group called the Mercatus Centre named 44 it didn't like -
among them rules governing energy-efficient airconditioners
and renovations to electric-utility plants.
Ultimately, 14 of the 23 rules the White House chose for
its "hit list" to eliminate or modify were Mercatus entries
- a record that flabbergasted Washington lobbying
heavyweights. A year later, the National Association of
Manufacturers failed to persuade George Bush's
administration to embrace even one item on its regulatory
wish list.
Now it's trying to copy Mercatus. "We said, 'Why
were they more successful than we were?'," says Lawrence
Fineran, the manufacturers' vice-president for regulation.
When it comes to business regulation in Washington,
Mercatus (Latin for market) has become the most important
agency you've never heard of. Staffed by veterans of the
White House office that reviews and often scales back
proposed rules, Mercatus, with its free-market philosophy,
has become a kind of shadow regulatory authority. The White
House's top regulator, John Graham, was briefly a member of
Mercatus's board of advisers before taking the government
Many well-known independent Washington advisers, such as
the Brookings Institution or the American Enterprise
Institute, issue analyses of regulations but usually only
on broad themes or prominent issues. Industry lobbyists -
representing, say, car makers or drug companies - circulate
views on more obscure regulations but with the specific
purpose of boosting their sponsors' profits.
Mercatus is a rare hybrid. It is considered an independent
agency because it's part of George Mason University and
gets funding from many sources. But Mercatus issues biting
opinions on dozens of rules, including little-known ones
that only lobbyists usually get excited about...."