,1413,36~53~2637008,00.htmlEx-FBI agent accuses feds of Rocky Flats coverup
Saying he took early retirement last week so he could finally "tell the truth" about Rocky Flats, Jon Lipsky said he had uncovered many instances of tampering with environmental monitoring and data falsification before his investigation was cut short by federal prosecutors.
"It became apparent to me during the investigation of Rocky Flats that the Department of Energy and the Department of Justice were primarily concerned about minimizing the extent to which the public became aware of the contamination at Rocky Flats, both off site and on site," Lipsky said, speaking at a news conference held at the state Capitol by the authors of "The Ambush Grand Jury" and the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. "The less contamination people knew about, the less they would have to spend to clean it up."
Newly elected state Rep. Wes McKinley, foreman of the grand jury that tried to indict federal and private officials for environmental crimes at Rocky Flats, said Wednesday he plans to introduce legislation requiring managers to warn visitors of potential dangers on the site when it becomes a wildlife refuge in 2007.
"The federal government lied to the citizens of Colorado for years about the dangers of Rocky Flats," said McKinley, speaking at a news conference featuring Lipsky. "They're still lying, and now they want to take our schoolchildren out there on field trips."
another of the many spots in america the suits have contaminated that have to be avoided at all costs.
but what a smirking slap in the face. here you go Colorado, here's a nice wildlife refuge for you (that's so toxic you can't go near it)